What Should i need to check for Database

  • Hi Guys.

    i am recently appointed as DBA, i dont' know which things i hv to check regularaly.. @ the moment i have created backup plan for batabase and which take backup on reguraly bases and if the backup doesn't took place it's send me email..

    Can any one tells me what things should i have to check on dail bases or on weekly bases or is there any other alerts email messages that i can set on Database or sql server, if any thing goes wrong it's send me email..


  • It depends mostly on what kind of databases you have and what amount of inserts/updates you have on your data.

    It also depends what people are expecting of you if anything goes wrong. If they don't mind loosing all data that has been added or altered during the day, you can work with only the backup and restore that.

    On the other hand if they expect you also to have you restore the database up to a point in time, then you will have to run a backup of the transaction log also (that is if your database is set to full recovery).

    Some tips to keep your system operational:

    1) perform a daily backup

    2) do the transaction backup regularly (depending on the amount of modifications somewhere between every 10 minutes up till 1 hour)

    3) configure your backup program to include these backup and transactionlog files

    4) delete the older files (depending on the amount of free disk space)

    5) try to have your databases and transaction log files on different disks (for performance reasons)

    6) run a trace regularly on your system to be able to see how your system is evolving

    7) keep the development databases and the production databases on separate servers

    (and if you have some spare time and server left)

    8) restore the database on another machiene to get used to restoring the databases and to be sure that your backup includes all you need (like system databases and such).



  • DBCC CheckDB on a regular basis. Update statistics or rebuild indexes on a regular basis. By regular, I mean at least once a week. Keep in mind that this is only the beginning. Peter pointed to restoring databases. Good point...you need to know that the backups are good, what the time frame for restoring is and that you CAN get back to a point in time for recovery. Search for tips for a DBA (especially on this website). Lots of good stuff out there.

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • is there any alter / email programm that i can setup to automatically inform me, if something goes wrong...

    acutally my database is access by web and so many resquest come in second and minutes..

    i have already setup dail/weekly/hoursly backup plane for my database.. even i have also setup mirroring as wll

  • AOA

    beside sugestions from my other twof friends,i have following sugestions

    - Take backups on mapped network drives or copy backup to some other location regularly, after backup completion.

    - Periodically restore the backup in test environment, so that you may be aware of any problem, before the real disaster and recovery.

    - daily check system logs, for sql server services etc.

    - Try to manage users and groups and implement security gradualy.

    - keep data and log files other than OS partition

    - utilize SQL server wizards/utilities, as these fullfill basic requirements and easy for new DBAs

    Take care

    DBDigger Microsoft Data Platform Consultancy.

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