What is the best way to import PDF files into a SQL Database

  • Hey guys,

    Recently I started working on creating a database to store resumes for a HR company and all of them have different categories for example: business administration, accounting, sports science and so on. The main problem that I encountered is that all these files are in a pdf format and microsoft word so it is hard for me to import the data into a table. I don't need to modify these files, only store them into the databases by categories so it is more organized and easier to find when necessary. I'm using mysql workbench. I wanted to know your opinion if what I'm trying to do is plausible/efficient or if you have any recommendations where I should look for information to get this done I would really appreciate that.

    Thank you,

    Kind Regards

  • But for almost any RDBMS, it's probably a better idea to store the documents on a filesystem (or cloud storage), and store the paths and other necessary information in the database.

    A google search returns many links regarding importing PDFs into MySQL, often using PHP.

    e.g., https://joshuaotwell.com/use-mysql-blob-column-with-php-to-store-pdf-file/

    Note: This is a forum for Microsoft SQL Server 7 & 2000, not MySQL.

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    Hi there,

    Your initiative to create a database for organizing resumes by categories is definitely plausible and efficient. To import PDF files into a SQL Database, you can follow these steps:

    Extract Text: First, you'll need to extract text from the PDF files. There are various libraries available in different programming languages that can help with this, such as Python's PyPDF2 or PDFMiner.

    Database Schema: Create a database schema that includes tables to store the resume data. Ensure that you have a table to categorize resumes by their respective categories.

    Scripting: Write a script (Python, for example) that reads the PDF files, extracts the text, and inserts it into the appropriate database tables. You can use MySQL Workbench to execute these scripts.

    Automation: Consider automating the process if you're dealing with a large number of resumes. Tools like Apache Nifi or custom Python scripts can help with this.

    Backup and Security: Ensure that you have proper backup procedures in place and consider security measures, especially when dealing with sensitive data.

    As for recommendations, you can look for information and tutorials on PDF parsing and MySQL integration online. There are plenty of resources and forums like Stack Overflow where you can find help if you encounter specific issues.

    If you need further assistance or have questions related to your HR company's specific needs, feel free to reach out to a professional mobile game development company for customized solutions.

    Best of luck with your project!

    Kind Regards

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