What is the best fillfactor for a cluster index

  • I am having an issue with memory although I restricted the memory used by sql server 2008 developer edition on windows server 2008 per the recommended value

    but Memory usage is high

    I set the fill factor for the cluster indexes to 100 is that good or bad

  • That all depends. What kind of data manipulation is there against the table? With a fill factor of 100, any insert of data will cause an initial page split if it's not at the end of the index.

    As far as memory pressure goes, you need to drill down to the cause of it all. I doubt the root of the problem is data pages cached that have a bit too much free space.

    Twitter: @SQLife
    Email: sqlsalt(at)outlook(dot)com

  • Thanks for your reply

    Please can you clarify more what is meant by With a fill factor of 100, any insert of data will cause an initial page split if it's not at the end of the index.

    Thanks again

  • I recommend you read a little about it here on BOL. Basically fill factor is how much page space is left open upon index creation or rebuilding. When you insert non-sequential data into an index, you could potentially be adding more data than can fit in the current page. Because of this, you'll have what's called a page split.

    When you have a fill factor of 100, you are leaving no free space in the data pages. This is common practice for OLAP implementations, as there will be no data inserted and therefore no page splits. It leads to fewer reads, so on and so forth. But when you do have data manipulation, you need to take a lot of things into account when determining fill factor. Most likely, 100 won't be optimal.

    Twitter: @SQLife
    Email: sqlsalt(at)outlook(dot)com

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