What is my SQL Server doing ?

  • I'm working as a developer on a project that stores large amounts of data per transaction (Often 200 MB or more). After having committed or rolled back a large transaction, I often see the SQL Server process use a lot of CPU power for a long time. I assume that the SQL Server is restoring data from the TempDb, after having a transaction roll back, but I don't know what is going on when a transaction is successfully committed.

    I tried looking at the Activity monitor, to determine which session is using all of the CPU time, but I don't see any long lasting transactions there. I also tried looking in the SQL Server profiler, to see which commands were being executed, but didn't see any commands there.

    Can you tell me how to find out why my SQL Server is using a lot of CPU ?

    My main focus is finding out how to determine what is going on, when Activity monitor and SQL Server profiler don't reveal the issue.

    PS) I am running on an SQL Server 2008 Express, because this best replicates the customer systems, but I have the Management Studio from the SQL Server Developer Edition installed for development purposes.

  • Perhaps this is a dumb question, but have you tried:


  • Mr. Andersen (9/28/2010)

    I'm working as a developer on a project that stores large amounts of data per transaction (Often 200 MB or more). After having committed or rolled back a large transaction, I often see the SQL Server process use a lot of CPU power for a long time. I assume that the SQL Server is restoring data from the TempDb, after having a transaction roll back, but I don't know what is going on when a transaction is successfully committed.

    I tried looking at the Activity monitor, to determine which session is using all of the CPU time, but I don't see any long lasting transactions there. I also tried looking in the SQL Server profiler, to see which commands were being executed, but didn't see any commands there.

    Can you tell me how to find out why my SQL Server is using a lot of CPU ?

    My main focus is finding out how to determine what is going on, when Activity monitor and SQL Server profiler don't reveal the issue.

    PS) I am running on an SQL Server 2008 Express, because this best replicates the customer systems, but I have the Management Studio from the SQL Server Developer Edition installed for development purposes.

    Mr. Anderson,

    High CPU can denote a number of issues. More often than not there is some outside hardware factor that is adding "pressure" to SQL Performance.

    High CPU, or CPU Pressure, can come up when some of the following occur:

    1) Not enough RAM available for both the OS and the SQL Server Instance (causes paging on the OS level)

    2) High Disk queues (takes to long to retrieve data)

    As a side note, it might be the edition of SQL Server that you are using, but I don't think moving to SQL Sever Standard Ed. is going to resolve the problem.

    Check this blog post from Pinal Dave on CPU Pressure. He gives some advice on how to figure out what is going on.


    Also, you might want to if you can get Gail's (Gilamonster) attention. She is wicked awesome on finding performance issues.

    Regards, Irish 

  • mferanda (9/29/2010)

    Perhaps this is a dumb question, but have you tried:


    That's not a dumb question at all.

    The answer is yes, I have tried to call sp_who2, but unfortunately I have gotten only the same information as when watching the Activity monitor.

    Jeffrey Irish, I agree with you that under normal circumstances resource shortage will slow down performance and use up a lot of CPU power. My primary concern is that the CPU time is being used after I have finished executing my large transaction and waited for the transaction to complete.

    The transaction itself is visible as a process under Activity monitor (And sp_who2), but after the transaction completes the CPU is still being used, without any indication of which process is using the CPU.

  • Mr. Andersen (10/5/2010)

    Jeffrey Irish, I agree with you that under normal circumstances resource shortage will slow down performance and use up a lot of CPU power. My primary concern is that the CPU time is being used after I have finished executing my large transaction and waited for the transaction to complete.

    The transaction itself is visible as a process under Activity monitor (And sp_who2), but after the transaction completes the CPU is still being used, without any indication of which process is using the CPU.

    Okay, this changes thing a little. Let me make sure that I understand what you are saying.

    The transaction runs and completes. If you run SP_WHO2 you can see that the transaction is no longer executing, but SQL Server is still consuming CPU.

    Let me give you a script that I find very helpful for identifying just what the heck is going on in a database. I found it in another SQL Server Central post, but changed it so I can execute it at runtime rather than creating a procedure. (Thank you Jason Brimhall!)

    All this will do is really allow you to identify what is really running for each SPID. After that, you will need to spend some time in SQL DMV's to figure out what is taking up the CPU time.:-D. I might have some queries for that, but those too would be gleened from the Interweb.

    Keep me posted. If you figure this one out we are all interested in hearing the resolution!


    *Author: Jason Brimhall <http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/sp_who2/70222/&gt;

    *Routine Name: [dbo].[jb_mywho2]

    *Purpose: Return SPID information from SQL Server

    *Used by: Admins

    *Inputs: @IsUserProcess (0,1) 0= Show All Processes 1= Show User Processes Only

    * @CurrentSpid (0,Null) 0 = Include current Query SPID NULL = Exclude Current Query SPID


    *Test Code: EXEC jb_mywho2


    --Create Procedure jb_mywho2


    @IsUserProcess TinyInt

    ,@CurrentSpid TinyInt

    SELECT @IsUserProcess = 0;

    SELECT @CurrentSpid = 0;



    Set NoCount On


    Test Code


    Declare @IsUserProcess TinyInt

    ,@CurrentSpid TinyInt

    Select @IsUserProcess = 0

    ,@CurrentSpid = 0


    Select es.session_id As SPID

    ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by es.session_id order by es.login_time) As SubProcessID

    ,DB_NAME(Coalesce(er.database_id,tl1.resource_database_id,' - ')) As DBName

    ,Coalesce(ot.task_state,es.status,' - ') As TaskStatus

    ,es.login_name As LoginName

    ,Coalesce(ec.client_net_address,' - ') As IPAddress

    ,Coalesce((SELECT text As [processing-instruction(definition)]

    FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec.most_recent_sql_handle)


    ),'') As QueryText

    ,Coalesce(er.wait_type,wt.wait_type,er.last_wait_type,' - ') As WaitType

    ,Coalesce(es.host_name,' - ') As HostName

    ,Coalesce(tl.request_session_id,'') As BlockedBy

    ,Coalesce((SELECT p.text

    FROM (SELECT MIN(sql_handle) As sql_handle

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r2

    WHERE r2.session_id = tl.request_session_id

    ) As rb


    (SELECT text As [processing-instruction(definition)]

    FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(rb.sql_handle)


    ) p (text)

    ),'') As BlockingText

    ,Coalesce(es.program_name,' - ') As ProgramName

    ,Coalesce(es.client_interface_name,' - ') As ClientInterface

    ,Coalesce(es.host_process_id,' - ') As UserProcessID

    ,es.login_time As LoginTime

    ,es.last_request_start_time As LastBatch

    ,es.total_elapsed_time *.001 As SessionElapsedTime

    ,es.total_scheduled_time * .001 As CPUTime

    ,es.memory_usage As Num8kPages

    ,Coalesce(ec.num_reads,'') As NumReads

    ,Coalesce(ec.num_writes,'') As NumWrites

    ,Coalesce(er.open_transaction_count,st.TranCount,0) As OpenTranCount

    ,Coalesce(dt.lockcount,0) As LockCount

    From sys.dm_exec_sessions es

    Left Outer Join sys.dm_exec_connections ec

    On ec.session_id = es.session_id

    Left Outer Join sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks wt

    On wt.session_id = es.session_id

    Left Outer Join sys.dm_os_tasks ot

    On es.session_id = ot.session_id

    Left Outer Join sys.dm_tran_locks tl

    On wt.blocking_session_id = tl.request_session_id

    Left Outer Join sys.dm_tran_locks tl1

    On ec.session_id = tl1.request_session_id

    Left Outer Join sys.dm_exec_requests er

    On tl.request_session_id = er.session_id

    Left Outer Join (

    Select request_session_id,COUNT(request_session_id) As LockCount

    From sys.dm_tran_locks

    Group By request_session_id

    ) dt

    On ec.session_id = dt.request_session_id

    Left Outer Join (

    Select session_id,COUNT(session_id) As TranCount

    From sys.dm_tran_session_transactions

    Group By session_id

    ) st

    On ec.session_id = st.session_id

    Where es.is_user_process >= (Case when @IsUserProcess = 0 Then 0 Else 1 End)

    And es.session_id <> (Case when @CurrentSPID = 0 Then 0 Else @@SPID End) --@@SPID if current Spid is to be excluded


    Regards, Irish 

  • dbcc_inputbuffer(SPID)

  • Rome1981 (10/5/2010)


    Yes, that will show you what is running for the SPID, but it does not show you the rest of the information like SP_WHO2 does. This adds the inputbuffer to the query output.

    Regards, Irish 

  • You said this happens after a large transaction? What is the large transaction actually doing?

    If you're performing a mass update or delete to a large table, it could have something to do with the indexes involved or expansion of your log file. This still sounds like a bottleneck issue as someone else described above. So, I would think you would see some queue issues going on through performance monitor. (regardless of exactly what is doing this through MSSQL)

  • Never mind about what the transaction is doing. *forgot you described this above.

    Still though, have you checked the performance monitor?

    Also, what is your space reserved / space used of your data file and log file for the database? If it's a large transaction and depending on your settings, both files may be expanding and causing the transaction to take longer.

  • I finally had time to go back to this issue and had a chance to run the script you suggested. I tried running the script immediately after the transaction failed and rolled back. The script took forever without finish executing. I started another copy of the script 10 minutes later and the result was the same. 5 minutes after that I started yet another copy of the script and got a rather large result (~1.1 million rows).

    The results started with 23 uninteresting entries that occurred in the master database. These all had 0.000 CPU time and 0 locks.

    Following came the 3 requests for executing the proposed script itself. These used 0.598 CPU time and had 3 locks (But were also not interesting).

    Next came 1.1 million entries identical to these two (Sorry about the formatting, this forum doesn't allow posting table results in a good way):


    521MyDatabaseRUNNINGMyUserAccount<local machine><?definition (@Item_ID uniqueidentifier)DELETE FROM Item WHERE Item_ID=@Item_ID?> - MyComputer0My Application.Net SqlClient Data Provider54882010-10-20 12:53:56.5102010-10-20 13:04:18.507478.354415.4532593037138656611138947

    522MyDatabaseRUNNINGMyUserAccount<local machine><?definition (@Item_ID uniqueidentifier)DELETE FROM Item WHERE Item_ID=@Item_ID?> - MyComputer0My Application.Net SqlClient Data Provider54882010-10-20 12:53:56.5102010-10-20 13:04:18.507478.354415.4532593037138656611138947

    The only thing different for each row is the SubProcessID field. This is being incremented by 1 for each row. The code is consistent with what is being executed by the application that uses the SQL Server. The entries are all executed in a single transaction, by the application.

    mferanda: Which performance monitor counters would you suggest to look at ?

  • Mr. Andersen (10/20/2010)

    I finally had time to go back to this issue and had a chance to run the script you suggested. I tried running the script immediately after the transaction failed and rolled back. The script took forever without finish executing. I started another copy of the script 10 minutes later and the result was the same. 5 minutes after that I started yet another copy of the script and got a rather large result (~1.1 million rows).

    The results started with 23 uninteresting entries that occurred in the master database. These all had 0.000 CPU time and 0 locks.

    Following came the 3 requests for executing the proposed script itself. These used 0.598 CPU time and had 3 locks (But were also not interesting).

    Next came 1.1 million entries identical to these two (Sorry about the formatting, this forum doesn't allow posting table results in a good way):


    521MyDatabaseRUNNINGMyUserAccount<local machine><?definition (@Item_ID uniqueidentifier)DELETE FROM Item WHERE Item_ID=@Item_ID?> - MyComputer0My Application.Net SqlClient Data Provider54882010-10-20 12:53:56.5102010-10-20 13:04:18.507478.354415.4532593037138656611138947

    522MyDatabaseRUNNINGMyUserAccount<local machine><?definition (@Item_ID uniqueidentifier)DELETE FROM Item WHERE Item_ID=@Item_ID?> - MyComputer0My Application.Net SqlClient Data Provider54882010-10-20 12:53:56.5102010-10-20 13:04:18.507478.354415.4532593037138656611138947

    The only thing different for each row is the SubProcessID field. This is being incremented by 1 for each row. The code is consistent with what is being executed by the application that uses the SQL Server. The entries are all executed in a single transaction, by the application.

    mferanda: Which performance monitor counters would you suggest to look at ?

    If you have two instances of the exact same code running, maybe you could consider checking what your Max DOP (Degree of Parallelism) is set to. If I recall correctly, a value of zero (0) allows MSSQL to manage this dynamically. It can be dangerous and has caused me issues in the past. I have set the Max DOP to 1 or equal to the number of processors (depending on a number of factors).

    Check out some articles on the Interweb and see what you find. Bear in mind, this is just an idea and not necessarily the resolution.

    Regards, Irish 

  • ok, here's some that I use. They give a lot of insight into what's going on in sql server. I got this from jimmy may's blog on microsoft. they rock.

    looking at what you had there -- Is there a cursor in the stored procedure doing that work? Also I saw the use of a guid there...

    what is the primary key and clustered index on that table? I know it's a dumb question but just trying to rule out the use of indexing a guid.



    --Jimmy May 317.590.8650

    --A.C.E. Performance Team




    --Table of Contents

    --1. expensive queries

    --2. wait stats

    --3. virtual file stats (& virtual file latency)

    --4. plan cache interrogation

    --5. real-time blockers


    --Weasel Clause: This script is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    -- Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

    -- http://www.microsoft.com/info/cpyright.htm


    --1. expensive queries

    --text *and* statement

    --usage: modify WHERE & ORDER BY clauses to suit circumstances


    -- the following four columns are NULL for ad hoc and prepared batches

    DB_Name(qp.dbid) as dbname , qp.dbid , qp.objectid , qp.number

    --, qp.query_plan --the query plan can be *very* useful; enable if desired

    , qt.text

    , SUBSTRING(qt.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2) + 1,

    ((CASE statement_end_offset

    WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(qt.text)

    ELSE qs.statement_end_offset END

    - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) as statement_text

    , qs.creation_time , qs.last_execution_time , qs.execution_count

    , qs.total_worker_time / qs.execution_count as avg_worker_time

    , qs.total_physical_reads / qs.execution_count as avg_physical_reads

    , qs.total_logical_reads / qs.execution_count as avg_logical_reads

    , qs.total_logical_writes / qs.execution_count as avg_logical_writes

    , qs.total_elapsed_time / qs.execution_count as avg_elapsed_time

    , qs.total_clr_time / qs.execution_count as avg_clr_time

    , qs.total_worker_time , qs.last_worker_time , qs.min_worker_time , qs.max_worker_time

    , qs.total_physical_reads , qs.last_physical_reads , qs.min_physical_reads , qs.max_physical_reads

    , qs.total_logical_reads , qs.last_logical_reads , qs.min_logical_reads , qs.max_logical_reads

    , qs.total_logical_writes , qs.last_logical_writes , qs.min_logical_writes , qs.max_logical_writes

    , qs.total_elapsed_time , qs.last_elapsed_time , qs.min_elapsed_time , qs.max_elapsed_time

    , qs.total_clr_time , qs.last_clr_time , qs.min_clr_time , qs.max_clr_time

    --, qs.sql_handle , qs.statement_start_offset , qs.statement_end_offset

    , qs.plan_generation_num -- , qp.encrypted

    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats as qs

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle) as qp

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as qt


    --ORDER BY qs.execution_count DESC --Frequency

    ORDER BY qs.total_worker_time DESC --CPU

    --ORDER BY qs.total_elapsed_time DESC --Durn

    --ORDER BY qs.total_logical_reads DESC --Reads

    --ORDER BY qs.total_logical_writes DESC --Writes

    --ORDER BY qs.total_physical_reads DESC --PhysicalReads

    --ORDER BY avg_worker_time DESC --AvgCPU

    --ORDER BY avg_elapsed_time DESC --AvgDurn

    --ORDER BY avg_logical_reads DESC --AvgReads

    --ORDER BY avg_logical_writes DESC --AvgWrites

    --ORDER BY avg_physical_reads DESC --AvgPhysicalReads

    --sample WHERE clauses

    --WHERE last_execution_time > '20070507 15:00'

    --WHERE execution_count = 1

    -- WHERE SUBSTRING(qt.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2) + 1,

    -- ((CASE statement_end_offset

    -- WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(qt.text)

    -- ELSE qs.statement_end_offset END

    -- - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1)

    -- LIKE '%MyText%'


    --2. wait stats


    --DBCC sqlperf(waitstats,CLEAR) --re-initialize waitstats

    DBCC sqlperf(waitstats)


    --DBCC sqlperf('sys.dm_os_wait_stats',CLEAR) --re-initialize waitstats

    SELECT * , (wait_time_ms - signal_wait_time_ms) as resource_wait_time_ms

    FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats

    ORDER BY resource_wait_time_ms DESC

    --ORDER BY wait_time_ms DESC

    --ORDER BY signal_wait_time_ms DESC

    --ORDER BY waiting_tasks_count DESC

    --ORDER BY max_wait_time_ms DESC


    --3. virtual file stats



    , (IoStallMS/(NumberReads + NumberWrites)) as IsStall

    , * FROM ::fn_virtualfilestats(-1,-1)



    --virtual file latency


    = CASE WHEN num_of_reads = 0

    THEN 0 ELSE (io_stall_read_ms/num_of_reads) END

    , vWriteLatency

    = CASE WHEN io_stall_write_ms = 0

    THEN 0 ELSE (io_stall_write_ms/num_of_writes) END

    , vLatency

    = CASE WHEN (num_of_reads = 0 AND num_of_writes = 0)

    THEN 0 ELSE (io_stall/(num_of_reads + num_of_writes)) END

    --avg bytes per IOP

    , BytesperRead

    = CASE WHEN num_of_reads = 0

    THEN 0 ELSE (num_of_bytes_read/num_of_reads) END

    , BytesperWrite

    = CASE WHEN io_stall_write_ms = 0

    THEN 0 ELSE (num_of_bytes_written/num_of_writes) END

    , BytesperTransfer

    = CASE WHEN (num_of_reads = 0 AND num_of_writes = 0)

    THEN 0 ELSE ((num_of_bytes_read+num_of_bytes_written)/(num_of_reads + num_of_writes)) END

    , LEFT(mf.physical_name,2) as Drive

    , DB_NAME(vfs.database_id) as DB

    --, mf.name AS FileName

    , vfs.*

    , mf.physical_name

    FROM sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats(NULL,NULL) as vfs

    JOIN sys.master_files as mf ON vfs.database_id = mf.database_id AND vfs.file_id = mf.file_id

    --WHERE vfs.file_id = 2 -- log files

    ORDER BY vLatency DESC

    -- ORDER BY vReadLatency DESC

    -- ORDER BY vWriteLatency DESC


    --4. plan cache interrogation

    -- note: sys.dm_exec_cached_plans is diminutive version of syscacheobjects

    -- no dbid, setopts

    -- we want reusable code, absence of ad hoc SQL

    -- we want relatively few rows with low usecounts


    SELECT cacheobjtype , objtype , usecounts , pagesused , dbid , sql

    FROM master.dbo.syscacheobjects

    WHERE cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan'

    ORDER BY usecounts DESC

    --ORDER BY sql


    SELECT c.cacheobjtype , c.objtype , c.usecounts , c.size_in_bytes , t.dbid , t.text

    FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans as c

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) as t

    WHERE c.cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan'

    ORDER BY c.usecounts DESC

    --ORDER BY t.text


    --5. real-time blockers

    --Report Blocker and Waiter SQL Statements




    t1.resource_type as lock_type

    , db_name(resource_database_id) as DB

    , t1.resource_associated_entity_id as blkd_obj

    , t1.request_mode as lock_req -- lock requested

    , t1.request_session_id as waiter_sid-- spid of waiter

    , t2.wait_duration_ms as waittime

    , (SELECT text FROM sys.dm_exec_requests as r --- get sql for waiter

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle)

    WHERE r.session_id = t1.request_session_id) as waiter_batch

    , (SELECT SUBSTRING(qt.text , r.statement_start_offset/2

    , (CASE WHEN r.statement_end_offset = -1

    THEN LEN(CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX), qt.text)) * 2

    ELSE r.statement_end_offset END - r.statement_start_offset)/2)

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests as r

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) as qt

    WHERE r.session_id = t1.request_session_id) as waiter_stmt --- this is the statement executing right now

    , t2.blocking_session_id as blocker_sid -- spid of blocker

    , (SELECT text FROM sys.sysprocesses as p --- get sql for blocker

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(p.sql_handle)

    WHERE p.spid = t2.blocking_session_id) as blocker_stmt

    FROM sys.dm_tran_locks as t1

    JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks as t2

    ON t1.lock_owner_address = t2.resource_address

  • Sorry, it's been a while.

    So you are dealing with a million rows being inserted and this processor usage is after the fact? *the table in question is not locked and the heavy processor usage is all you see.

  • @Anderson,

    Have u tried to use Jimmy May's DMV which has been provided by enwicc.

    If yes, kindly update the forum with results.



  • I'm sorry, but I haven't had the time to run the script provided by fenwicc yet.

    I promise to return with the results, as soon as I am able to perform the test.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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