What are WMI classes for SQL server performance counters?

  • Hi,

    I want to use WMI to retrieve SQL server performance counters for my Performance Monitor.

    Can some body tell me what namespace and what classess to use for SQL server performance counters?

    I could access system info by using other win32 classess at \root\cimv2. I could also get SQL server performance counters by using PerformanceCounter interface in code, but I want to know about WMI classes

    for SQL server.



  • I'm still trying to learn this stuff myself.  I couldn't find them in the WMI Object Browser, but using the "Scriptomatic" tool from Microsoft's scripting center I was able to browse through the root\CIMV2 namespace and come up with what looks like the right stuff.

    Here's a portion of the script that Scriptomatic generated, which shows what kinds of things are available from the memory manager class.  There are lots of other classes with similar names.

    For Each strComputer In arrComputers


       WScript.Echo "=========================================="

       WScript.Echo "Computer: " & strComputer

       WScript.Echo "=========================================="

       Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")

       Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerMemoryManager", "WQL", _

                                              wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)

       For Each objItem In colItems

          WScript.Echo "Caption: " & objItem.Caption

          WScript.Echo "ConnectionMemoryKB: " & objItem.ConnectionMemoryKB

          WScript.Echo "Description: " & objItem.Description

          WScript.Echo "Frequency_Object: " & objItem.Frequency_Object

          WScript.Echo "Frequency_PerfTime: " & objItem.Frequency_PerfTime

          WScript.Echo "Frequency_Sys100NS: " & objItem.Frequency_Sys100NS

          WScript.Echo "GrantedWorkspaceMemoryKB: " & objItem.GrantedWorkspaceMemoryKB

          WScript.Echo "LockBlocks: " & objItem.LockBlocks

          WScript.Echo "LockBlocksAllocated: " & objItem.LockBlocksAllocated

          WScript.Echo "LockMemoryKB: " & objItem.LockMemoryKB

          WScript.Echo "LockOwnerBlocks: " & objItem.LockOwnerBlocks

          WScript.Echo "LockOwnerBlocksAllocated: " & objItem.LockOwnerBlocksAllocated

          WScript.Echo "MaximumWorkspaceMemoryKB: " & objItem.MaximumWorkspaceMemoryKB

          WScript.Echo "MemoryGrantsOutstanding: " & objItem.MemoryGrantsOutstanding

          WScript.Echo "MemoryGrantsPending: " & objItem.MemoryGrantsPending

          WScript.Echo "Name: " & objItem.Name

          WScript.Echo "OptimizerMemoryKB: " & objItem.OptimizerMemoryKB

          WScript.Echo "SQLCacheMemoryKB: " & objItem.SQLCacheMemoryKB

          WScript.Echo "TargetServerMemoryKB: " & objItem.TargetServerMemoryKB

          WScript.Echo "Timestamp_Object: " & objItem.Timestamp_Object

          WScript.Echo "Timestamp_PerfTime: " & objItem.Timestamp_PerfTime

          WScript.Echo "Timestamp_Sys100NS: " & objItem.Timestamp_Sys100NS

          WScript.Echo "TotalServerMemoryKB: " & objItem.TotalServerMemoryKB




    Hope this helps!

  • WOW! Excellent information. scriptomatic is a great tool for WMI classes.

    That is what I was looking for. That was great help!

    Many Thanks.


  • Where is this class :


    I can not find it in my server and not in MSDN.

  • To see what I saw in Scriptomatic, the counters have to be installed on the machine where you're running Scriptomatic.  I think the counter classes are automatically installed with SQL Server.


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