What are DR2 files?

  • I'm experiencing a copy database problem. In a DTS package I copy several db's from 1 server to another. Occasionally 1 task fails with the message:

    The system cannot find the file specified.[SQL-DMO]Createfile error on 'SERVERNAME.DBNAME.DR2'.

    On 1 server, not involved in the copyprocess, I found such files, and others, in the directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools, or where else you installed SQL Server.

    What are these files for?What causes this message? It seems I have no CERATE rights on the server, but it does happen only occasionally. Do these files have to be created every time or not? If not, when & under what circumstyances are they created? If they are created everytime, what may cause the occasional prevention? Is this a SQL Server problem or a W2K issue?

    Funny thing: when I executed the failing tasks individually, they are executed without problem...

    Hans Brouwer

  • They are temporary script files for creating certain objects. You may find several extenstions and they are usually under the tools directory in your SQL Server path.

    For instance I see the following I can id right off

    .tab = Table definitions

    .prc = Stored procedure definitions

    .viw = View definitions

    .trg = Trigger definitions

    .bnd = Column bindings

    .def = Defaults

    .rul = Rules

    .udt = User-defined data types

    .idn = Identity (also may be .id1 and .id2)

    .drn = Declarative referential integrity (DRI) (I believe this is .dr1 and .dr2)

    .fky = Foreign key constraints

    .prv = Object permissions (priviledges)

    .log = Logins

    .usr = Users

    .grp = Groups

  • Antares, you're usually spot-on with your prompt replies. However this time I think your promptness has got the better of you.

    The IDn files are for the indexes. ID1 is clustered indexes and ID2 is non-clustered indexes. I think this is just left-over from SQL 6.5 as clustered indexes are now termed constraints and appear in the DR1 file.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Tnx for responding, guys, this answers the What are they. It still leaves the Why do I receive the error, sometimes and on different tasks?

    Hans Brouwer

  • I was going based on some old info and what was in those that actually had data in them from a database I recently moved via DTS. Thanks for the extra info.

  • You may be getting this error message when the file you transfer contains a DRI in this case a non clustered index.


  • Tnx for responding, Victor. You say: You may be getting this error message...

    There are non-clustered indices. However, it does not happen always, and it happens not always with the same tas/db. Do you know why it happens occasionally seemingly without pattern?

    Hans Brouwer

  • Hi, I am getting the same error on a DTS package that copies DB's from production servers to a MIS server. I get

    (Microsoft SQL-DMO (80004005): [SQL-DMO]CreateFile error on '<server>.<db>.DR2'. The system cannot find the file specified.

    I always get this error on the same two 2 databases I have altered the package so that copies no run sequentialy and see if this helps.



  • since Antares686  have mention about the .prc file. how do you execute this file or upload it? example i dowload a file which has a .prc extension. the question that i want to ask is how do i use the file? how do i attach it in my sql or something. i hope you can help me. thanx

  • Hi Mark,

    Open the file with Query Analyzer, select the correct database and execute the stored procedure.


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