Viewing SQL 7 DB Recovery Mode

  • Hi,

    Is there a quick way I can display the recovery mode for multiple databases in SQL Server 7?

    Is there something similar as DATABASEPROPERTYEX (which in SQL2000, it has a "recovery" switch)???

    Many thanks.


    Many thanks. Jeff

  • "Recovery model" was a new concept introduced with SQL Server 2000. The closest thing in SQL Server 7 would be to check the "trunc. log on chkpt." and "select into/bulkcopy" settings with sp_dboption <dbname>, e.g.:

    exec sp_dboption northwind,'trunc'
    exec sp_dboption northwind,'bulk'

    ON and ON would equate to Simple, OFF and ON would be Bulk-Logged, and OFF and OFF would be Full.



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