Viewing Database Diagrams

  • Hi all, I ran into an issue recently where I reduced user access to the server/databases to the lowest level possible based on user needs. One of our programmers complained he could no longer see the database diagrams. I narrowed his access to DataReader/DataWriter. According to BOL, the only users that can see a diagram are the creator and any member of the db_owner role. Obviously I don't want to grant db_owner so can anyone suggest alternate methods for viewing the database schemas? Thank you in advance.

  • I don't blame you for not wanting to make developers members of db_owner, but I haven't found any way to make the database diagrams shareable. The only choices seem to be to use a separate diagramming tool or have each developer that needs to see a diagram generate his own in the database.


  • Thank you for your reply. This seems to be a design flaw. Microsoft should be able to provide read access to a diagram without granting users high level rights.

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