Viewfinity took my priveledges away

  • Greetings. I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express on XP Pro. Yesterday my company pushed out an application called 'Viewfinity' to all our machines, and my SQL Server rights have been severely impacted. For example, I can no longer create functions in master, or create linked servers, ad hoc access to OLE DB provider MSDASQL is denied, etc. Now, when I installed it it was through a software push over which I had no control, so I did not have the ability to set any initial configuration options, so I am assuming my server options were set to the highest level because I had admin rights to my machine when I installed SQL Server, but now I don't. I guess the gist of the question is has anyone else encountered this issue, and what can I do about it. I believe Viewfinity can give elevated permissions for specific applications, but I don't know what to tell the IT guys to do. Thank you.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • Hello,

    Viewfinity actually doesn't take away administrative rights. Looks like your admin rights were removed . Viewfinity can elevate specific application permissions to administrative level . So instead of making user account full local admin your admin can grant you permissions to run SQL with Admin rights. You can ask your IT person who is managing Viewfinity to create for you elevation policy to elevate SQL Express executable.


  • Thank you Alex for the reply. I believe you are dead on. After I posted, I went back and re-read the email they sent (in its entirety this time) telling us Viewfinity would be installed this week. It said that at the same time all employees currently having admin rights to their machines would have those rights revoked. I did not read the entire email, so I assumed Viewfinity was the culprit.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • Well, we never could get Viewfinity to make SQL Server think I had admin rights. The only way to solve it was to have the IT guy temporarily restore my admin rights so I could go in and give my login full priveledges. Thanks.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • Hi Greg,

    If you could ask your support admin to contact Viewfinity support at they can give examples of policies which can be created to manage SQL. He may need to elevate more then 1 executable and include child processes in elevation process. He can also create On-Demand elevation policy.


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