View Job history? -- problem

  • Hello everyone,

    I am curious  about nightly job history,

    when i check View job history of any job in sql server2000. i can see only last run(last night) history.

    but i have other job ,so there i can see all the job history sine first run,this way i can compare everyday time .

    can anyone faced the same situation or any clue how can i see all jobs everyday history.

    Thanks in advance.


  • In the MSDB database their are several tables that hold information about the SQL Agent jobs.  One is named sysjobhistory.  Look in that table to see if their is any job history for your problem jobs - if no history, then something is deleting the history.  The SQL Agent can be configured to delete job history.  Go to Enterprise Manager, right click on "SQL Server Agent", and choose "Properties".  Click on the "Job System" tab and look at the "Job History Log" settings.  They may be set too low for your system

    Good Luck,


  • Thanks,

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