Version Control - Just Start Doing It?

  • Jambu Krishnamurthy (9/16/2015)


    That was a great article. I have been doing many home-grown-solutions at various placed I had worked for almost 10 years to get SQL Server objects into source control.

    Just Recently I achieved a fool-proof dependable solution.

    All this starts with VS 2013 and its new Database Solution and Git.

    In broad steps:

    1. Integrate VS 2013 to GIT/Stash

    2. Create a Database solution and a project within it for each of your databases.

    3. Step 2 syncs the database with VS pprojects.

    4. Now you can diff the database and VS project and do updates either way.

    5. Then you can sync it with Git

    6. Now you can create a script using the Publish option in VS which can be used to merge it with a target database. For this I used Flyway which does version control of scripts. But you can do it from within VS itself.

    It is a live system now.

    I wish I could write an article about this.

    But the most important thing is we can do this only with VS 2013 which has introducted the Database project.



    Hey Jambu - great to see you are using SSDT - don't be shy write that article, lots of people are unsure how to do exactly what you are doing 🙂

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