VB and XML

  • i know how to write a recordset to an XML file,

    but how do i edit tht xml file

    suppose here is an xml file

    Developing Applications in VBHitesh

    SQl Queries Hema

    Database Design Vipul Desai

    now here in this i want to edit the second "SQL Queries" in title

    the publishers name from "Hema" to "Viman"

    and save the same xml file how do i do tht

    how do i do tht

    i mean to say edit a particulare record in xml and then save it.


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  • After you persist your recordset to xml:

                 RS.Save "myRS.xml", adPersistXML

    You can then load that xml file into a DomDocument and re-open it in another recordset:

                 Set oXml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.4")

                 Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")



                 RS.Open oXml


    That opens it in firehose mode but you can set it to add a new row or update a row. To select particular row you'll need to use the Filter method of the recordset object. After you've done your editing/updating just persist the file like you did originally to get a new snapshot of your changes.





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