Using Variables within a "SQL Command from variable"

  • I have loaded a sql query into a variable and selected the "SQL Command from variable" option within my OLE DB Source Editor. My variable value is called "TableLoadQuery".

    Below is a code snippet of TableLoadQuery and how I have placed the variables within the SQL, but I keep getting "Invalid column name ' + @[User::..." errors. Has anyone ever been able to do this? Do you have any ideas around it? And yes, Utlity is supposed to be spelled like that.

    DECLARE @mydate DATETIME, @dtServiceMonthStart datetime, @dtServiceMonthEnd datetime, @dtArchiveDate datetime, @intRedistributeDays int, @dtISTADateStart datetime

    , @strDUNS varchar(50)

    SELECT @mydate = GETDATE()

    ,@dtServiceMonthStart = (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(@mydate)-1),@mydate),101))

    , @dtServiceMonthEnd = (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(DATEADD(mm,1,@mydate))),DATEADD(mm,1,@mydate)),101))

    , @dtArchiveDate = GETDATE()

    , @intRedistributeDays = " + @[User::RedistributeDays] + "

    , @dtISTADateStart = " + @[User::ISTAStartDate] + "

    , @strDUNS = " + @[User::UtlityID] + "

    --SET @dtISTADateStart = ISNULL(@dtISTADateStart, '2009-12-15')

    SET @intRedistributeDays = @intRedistributeDays + 1

    SET @dtServiceMonthStart = CASE

    WHEN @intRedistributeDays IS NULL THEN @dtServiceMonthStart

    WHEN DATEADD(dd, -1 * @intRedistributeDays, GETDATE()) < @dtServiceMonthStart THEN DATEADD(dd, -1 * @intRedistributeDays, GETDATE())

    ELSE @dtServiceMonthStart




    , m.MeterNo AS METER_NUMBER

    , p.PremNo ..........

  • Hello,

    I'd say that the simplest way to handle this would be to add a script task before the "OLE DB Source Editor" and assemble the SQL command there.




  • try removing "@" infront of SSIS variables in the query, appropriate casting, also verify final query in the SQL command variable with some dummy data in other ssis variables

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