Using several insert into statements in a stored procedure

  • Hi I have this t-sql in my stored procedure. He only fires the first insert into statement. Did a lookup in google, but didn't find anyhting about this easy scripting


    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    insert into tbl_sepia_stats

    select getdate(), 'Sales Line', count([timestamp])

    FROM [NAV_SEPIA].[dbo].[OPS Sepia$Sales Line]


    insert into tbl_sepia_stats

    select getdate(), 'Job Ledger Entry', count([timestamp])

    FROM [NAV_SEPIA].[dbo].[OPS Sepia$Job Ledger Entry]


    insert into tbl_sepia_stats

    select getdate(), 'Item Ledger Entry', count([timestamp])

    FROM [NAV_SEPIA].[dbo].[OPS Sepia$Item Ledger Entry]


    insert into tbl_sepia_stats

    select getdate(), 'Warehouse Entry', count([timestamp])

    FROM [NAV_SEPIA].[dbo].[OPS Sepia$Warehouse Entry]


    what's wrong ?


  • GO is a batch separator, so your SP is only executing up to the end of the first INSERT. Remove all but the final GO and you'll be sorted.

    Check out GO in BOL.

  • hey

    Thanx for your reply.

    Thought I did it already without the go's and that it didn't work.

    Removed them and it works

    Feeling like a freshman... damn 🙂

    Thx !!!!!!!


  • Cath Trimble (10/1/2010)

    GO is a batch separator, so your SP is only executing up to the end of the first INSERT. Remove all but the final GO and you'll be sorted.

    To be a little more specific, the stored proc will only contain up to the end of the first insert as, when creating the proc, the GO signals the end of the stored proc creation code.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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