Using File FILE TABLE and File Stream

  • Hi I have a requirement to detect CSVs loaded onto the server and then UPLOAD them to the Datawarehouse automatically.

    I thought the SQL 2012 File Table with a trigger on it would do the trick.

    I get the filename from the inserted trigger and then perform a bulk insert as per

    TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[Invoice_DPD_stage]

    BULK INSERT [dbo].[Invoice_DPD_stage]

    FROM '\\DATABASEServer\ExternalFiles\InvoiceUploads\CSV_Load\Invoice_20151112.csv'



    FIRSTROW = 6,





    Where \\DATABASEServer\ExternalFiles\InvoiceUploads\CSV_Load is the File Stream share set up on the sever.

    However when I run the Bulk insert I get the Following Message.

    Cannot bulk load because the file "\\DatabaseServer\ExternalFiles\InvoiceUploads\CSV_Load\Invoice_DPD_20151112.csv" could not be opened. Operating system error code 50(The request is not supported.).

    I can't find any information on this error regarding SQL File Tables.

    Is this a limitation of FILE_TABLES?

    I can browse the above URL in explorer and the file opens fine.

    Has anyone experienced this or have any idea of what's happening.

    Any info would be much appreciated.



  • Ignore I found the answer thanks.

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