Using Date Parameter in SSRS

  • Hi

    I have a report in wich i hav parameters :

    1. Date Range (From date and To date)

    2. Status..

    There is a possibility of using one parameter at a time or can use both parameters at same time.

    Now i hav to use both the parameters to get the report.

    How can i make my parameters optional..??

  • if you go to properties of the report, u can specify default parameters.

    optionally u can set todate= startdate+5

  • hey...

    thanx for the reply...

    But i don wan to give any should be on the user to select the date or Status or both to get the data..

  • sorry not sure what you are asking

  • from what i understand u might want to try

    something like

    startdate = isnull(@startdate,startdate)

    and status = isnull(@status,status)

    in the where clause of your dataset.

    But if you are more clear, i am sure someone can give u a solution.


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