Using A CTE to exclude rows from the main Select statement

  • I have a cte that in short states

    FROM table1 as mm
    left join table2 as m
    on mm.type = m.type
    left join table3 as mn
    on mm.id1 = mn.id1
    and type = 29
    and date is null
    and Completed = 1

    I then have a select statement which I left outer join the cte too. Want I want to do is in the final result set exclude any mn number that appears in the cte. I have tried not in and it does not work. Any ideas?



  • That code is not valid.  There is no way to tell which 'type' column is being referenced in the WHERE clause.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

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