User-Defined Function Question

  • Here's what I'm trying to do. I have a field in the database that stores up to 9 comma-separated values (e.g. W,I,P,G) and I need to create a function that will lookup each code in the comma-separated list and return a comma-separated list of the full code value. The codes and full code names are stored in a lookup table in the database.


    code name

    ----- ------

    W Way Too Much

    I Internal

    P Public

    G Gone

    So if the value stored in the database table is "W,I,P,G" then I need some way within SQL to get the name for each code stored in a comma-separated list. I would like to retrieve this list within SQL for display. The tricky thing is the list of codes passed to the function will be dynamic... maybe the database value will be one code and maybe it will be 8 codes (separated by commas).

    Is a user-defined function the way to go or something different? I appreciate any help!

  • I would use the following in a stored procedure:

    --Use array as a stored procedure argument


    SET @Array = 'val1|val2|val3|val4|val5|FOO|BAR'



    @Delimiter CHAR(1),

    @CharPos INTEGER,

    @ArrayValue VARCHAR(255)

    SET @Delimiter = '|'

    SET @CharPos = 1

    SET @Array = @Array + @Delimiter

    DECLARE @ArrayTable TABLE


    RecID VARCHAR(255)


    WHILE @CharPos > 0


    SET @CharPos = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @Array)

    IF @CharPos > 1

    INSERT INTO @ArrayTable SELECT SUBSTRING(@Array, 1, @CharPos - 1)



    SET @Array = SUBSTRING(@Array, @CharPos + 1, LEN(@Array))


    SELECT * FROM @ArrayTable


    Given a delimiter (I used a pipe above, but your choice), it will turn the incoming list into row values, then store the results in a temporary table. After this piece is done, simply JOIN your temp table to the base table to get the values you need to manipulate.


  • Mark, it's time you learned about tally tables to replace while loops and save a few cpu cycles. 🙂

    Some good articles

    An example for parsing:

    declare @input varchar(100)

    set @input = '|1|2|3|a|b|c|delta|bravo|#|@|'

    ;with tally (N) as

    (select top 1000 row_number() over (order by (select null))

    from master.sys.columns)

    ,Array AS

    (select Row_Number() over (order by N) as N,

    substring(@input,N+1,charindex('|',@input,N+1)-(N+1)) as element

    from tally

    where substring(@input,N,1) = '|'

    and N < len(@input)


    select * from Array

    -- join your table that you want to check values


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Bob Hovious 24601 (10/8/2009)

    Mark, it's time you learned about tally tables for parsing and save a few cpu cycles. 🙂

    Meh, I like to do it MY way though and I'll simply throw hardware at it eventually [/sarcasm]

    Thanks for the reads! I will need to get caught up on some of these new-fangled techniques. That is why I come here - to broaden my horizons.


  • Thank you very much for your quick responses! I was able to get something working fairly quickly. I appreciate the help!!


  • You're welcome, Mike.

    Mark, the articles are very worthwhile and you will find tally tables an enormously useful (and FAST) technique. Take the time to do some comparisons with statistics for time and io on and you may be amazed at the percentage savings over a while loop.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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