User Default Schema Problem

  • I did the following:

    1- create database d1.

    2- create new user u1

    3- create a schema s1 for u1.

    4- set s1 as default schema for u1.

    5- create new login login1.

    6- map the login to database d1 using user u1 with default schema s1.

    i write a statement to create a new table (without specifying the schema as a prefix), the table was created in the dbo schema instead of the s1 (the default schema).

    i modified the statement to include the s1.tablename, and the table was created successfully in the s1 schema.

    When writing a select statement to get data from the the table without specifying the schema, the data has been retrieved from the s1 table (the default schema table), which is the expected result.

    So why the table was created in dbo schema instead of the default schema?

  • /* 1- create database d1;*/

    create database d1;

    /* 5- create new login login1. */



    /* 2- create new user u1 */

    USE [d1]

    CREATE USER [u1] FOR LOGIN [Login1] ;

    EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'u1'


    /* 3- create a schema s1 for u1. */

    create schema s1;


    /* 4- set s1 as default schema for u1. */



    /* 6- map the login to database d1 using user u1 with default schema s1. */

    -- already mapped by step 2

    /* 7 */

    -- Switch to user ( I need to be sysadmin !!)

    Execute as login='Login1'

    Create table Mytable (col1 int not null);

    -- switch back to myself


    Select *

    from information_schema.tables

    where table_name = 'Mytable'



    d1s1MytableBASE TABLE


    Print 'No problem'

    /* Clean up

    use master

    drop database d1 ;

    drop login Login1;



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