User creating tables, all tables create as System?!?!

  • I have a user that is part of the SysAdmin group that is creating new tables under one of our databases and every time she creates a new table it creates as a System table, not user?  I have never seen this before and and slightly concerned.  Anyone have a clue what's going on?

    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

  • 1) Make sure that system catalogs updates are off?

    2) Is she creating the tables as dbo.tblname or only create table tblname ...?

    I'd make sure she uses the dbo keyword.

    Other than that, I've never seen this happen accidentally.

  • I just tried creating a table and it did the same thing...created it as System instead of User.

    CREATE TABLE dbo.jacob_test

    (First_Name char(50),

    Last_Name char(50))

    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

  • Never seen that before.  Sorry if I can't be of more help at the moment.

  • Just do a select on the sysobjects to check whats the type for the object that you have created. Check if thats U or S.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • My co-worker found this solution that seems to have cleared up the problem.

    Now, if only we knew why it was happening in the first place.

    Thanks all!

    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

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