User access to see all the databases

  • hello,

    I have a login on sql server with puplic access and I want it to create users in other databases without giving it sysadmin priveledges.

    I want it to be part of master database only but have the ability to create users in other databases.

    Any help is appreciated



  • You will need to grant the server role securityadmin, which will allow the user to create logins at the server level and then create users in the database level based on that login.

  • hello,

    I tried it but not working.

    Basically I have a SP that checks for a user in the user databases and if it is not there it creates it with db_owner membership.

    I want a particular user to be able to run this SP from master DB without giving that particular user any elevated previledges like sysadmin .

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[User_addition_to_db]

    WITH EXECUTE AS caller




    SELECT [Name] INTO #temp

    FROM sys.sysdatabases

    WHERE DBID not in (1,2,3,4)

    AND [name]<>'distribution'

    WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #temp)>0


    SELECT TOP 1 @Dbname=[Name] FROM #temp


    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(max)

    SET @sql=N'USE ['+@Dbname +']ALTER DATABASE '+ @DbName+' SET TRUSTWORTHY ON;

    IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM master.sys.server_principals WHERE name = ''XXXX'' AND type = ''S'')

    AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N''YYYY'')


    EXEC sp_addrolemember N''db_owner'', N''YYYY'';'

    EXECUTE (@sql)

    DELETE FROM #temp WHERE [name]=@dbname


    DROP TABLE #temp

    IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'YYYY')


  • Execute as caller wont work, you will need to elevate the permissions to an account which has access unless you want to grant the caller the access they need to create accounts?

  • That is what i need.

    I want the caller(particular user/goofy) to be able execute this SP.

    I have created a sql login [goofy] with securityadmin previledge.When i log in as goofy and try to run the SP i get below error:

    The server principal "goofy" is not able to access the database "POPOP" under the current security context.

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