Use sp_OACreate to connect to share drive ..

  • Does anybody knows where I can find doc for this ?

    I would like to do something like (in vbs)

    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

    objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "K:", "\\ALAN\home"

    with sp_OaCreate ....

  • I would recommend you leave the sp_OA procs disabled on your instance and start using the SQLCLR for tasks like this...

    If you're being boxed into using the OLE Automation procs here is a decent starting point with code samples:

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • tks.

    1. So what would be the code to map a network share?

    2. What would be the code to retrieve folder contents?

    Tks again.

  • I must agree, with the availability of SQLCLR the use of the OLE automation should basically never happen.. In other words don't enable them. Also as a practice I also keep xp_cmdshell disabled.

    Very rarely do you need to map a drive, you can usually refer to any location that is on another ser by UNC path such as \\servername\sharename\path\path2\filename.txt

    It is also considered a bad practice to use mapped drives in SQL because you can't really trust their existence. Whereas a UNC is a fully qualified path to the file. The biggest issue is permissions on the share and file, which you would likely have anyway..


  • DZN (3/16/2011)

    2. What would be the code to retrieve folder contents?

    Time to hit the books...getting the contents of a folder is a trivial task in C# but it's a learning question too fundamental to explain in a forum setting. There are lots of good online resources for learning .NET...or even better, support your local bookstores.

    Elliott Whitlow (3/16/2011)

    Also as a practice I also keep xp_cmdshell disabled.


    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Yes I agree with you. Issue was not really to map drive (which is by the way not the purpose) but rather to connect to a shared resources with user ID & pwd ....

    And to be able to do it I do not know the good solution (except doing it trough SQLCLR...?)

  • i have this saved in my snippets on how to map a drive from xp_cmdshell:

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmshell 'NET USE G: \\UNCPath\d$ /user:domain\user password'


    RESTORE Database DBName FROM Disk = 'G:\PAth to bak'


    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'NET USE G: /DELETE'

    --NET USE path password /USER:domainname\username


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  • tks. this at least ill enable me to start....

  • Lowell's method does work.. It violates my no xp_cmdshell rule..

    I really think that if you must impersonate a different user then you might look at calling it from a job using proxies.. Or SQLCLR.


  • I have tried with proxies but without success....

    And SQLCLR will probably the next step after pilot... But right now I have no time to do it (and I'm not sure SQLCLR is available witj .net on the server....

    So if you have an example with proxies, it's more than welcome ...

  • I don't have anything with proxies but I have a fair amount of SQLCLR code for files. .Net framework 2 is all that is required..


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