URGENT - ODBC Connectivity issue

  • Hi All,

    I need to fix this issue before EOD today.

    My SQL Server Database is running on server A.

    An application running on server B is trying to connect to the instance thru ODBC driver.

    We are seeing the following error in the logs...

    any idea..?

    2012-02-17-13-55-41 DBService: DATABASE: insert into IMAGE ( REVISION_NO , NAME , USERN1 , ASSET_USE , DESCRIPTION , ORIG_FILE_NAME , PUBLIC_FLAG , CREATE_DATE , SUPPLIER1_ID , VERSION_SET_ID , SUPPLIER2_ID , VERSION_NO , ASSET_MOD_DATE , CURRENT_VERSION , USER1 , USER2 , USER3 , ASSET_STATUS , USER7 ) values( 1 , 'LZJHHN48K7' , 1 , 777 , 'David_DCD' , 'David_DCD.eps' , 'F' , getDate( ) , 27 , 'LZJHHN48K7' , 18 , 1 , getDate( ) , 1 , 'David_DCD.eps' , '\\********\Conversions\Bad\Archive\2012-02-17' , 'Please contact your Administrator for assistance.' , 1 , 'EPSF8BIM' )

    2012-02-17-13-55-41 DBService: DATABASE: Rowcount: 1

    2012-02-17-13-55-41 DBService: DATABASE: select @@identity

    2012-02-17-13-55-41 DBService: DATABASE: SQL Error

    2012-02-17-13-55-41 DBService: DATABASE: SQL ERROR: 0 84 HY000

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection is busy with results for another hstmt

    2012-02-17-13-55-41 DBService: ERROR: Unable to insert or update IMAGE row: 0 (2)

  • A google search for "connection is busy with results for another hstmt" indicates there's an issue with more than one acive cursor per connection:

    This error generally happens because an ODBC connection can only have one active cursor at a time.

    When you use the EXEC command to select data from a table, a cursor object is created, if you don't fetch the data from this cursor and you try to execute another EXEC command using the same connection, you will get this error message.


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