Upgrading 7 to 2K

  • Server: Win2k server SP2

    SQL: 7.0 with 5 dbs.

    location: d:\MSSQL7

    I have install new instances of SQL2K but never upgrade an existing installation. It should go smooth from what I have hear. But I have couple of questions maybe you can help me out with:

    I have Backup dbs on (d:\tempBKdbs)

    I will Install SQL2K

    -Q1. Since it will detect previous version what or which would be the location SQL2k will choose to install new version?

    -Q2. Existing dbs are going to be upgraded or by restoring them to the new location will do the job.

    -Q3. What things should I look for, to avoid any major problems.


  • 1) It will install over the folder of the exiting installation. However it may leave some SQL 7 related files behind that will never be used.

    2) They will upgrade fine, but you may want to run sp_updatestats, DBCC UPDATE USAGE, and DBCC REINDEX if they bloat a little. Have seen this once but the other two tries showed no signs of needing.

    3) Not sure, do a search for update AND 2000 on this site. I have had no issue other than in the previous questions answer.

    There may be other things so I do suggest search this site a bit as I can only tell you what I have run into.

  • Thank you.

    I just tested and between the two options. I like to just overwrite the existing one, except that keeps the mssql7 directory.

    Both options seems to be OK. Some more work need on the "named instance of SQL2K" option which you need to move the dbs after installation. Which seems more clean and meet MS standards. I just need to understand more about the defaul instance. is it still 7.0 after I install 2K, or 2K is the defaul SQL instance. Once I move the dbs. do I just uninstall SQL 7? That seems to be the logical steps to do. But....

    Anyway the one I just did in the test environment worked just fine.


  • I never tested that far out. I know the default instance will be SQL 7 , but this may help a little better on what to do to remove SQL 7


    I personally try for a clean install of SQL 2000 when I have time and restore the DBs. There are tricks to move the login accounts as well as, jobs and DTS packages. This also gives me a chance to clean instasll the OS and Service Packs while removing other installs from things I got rid of that leave behind garbage.

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