Upgrade in place error (2017 to 2019) - invalid name space.

  • Upgrade stops with an invalid namespace error (that was it, no error codes of any kind).  Retry fails.  then hit the Cancel button and the upgrade continued and finished.  This was in the SqEngineCongigAction_upgrade_config_Cpu64 phase.  This was a warning and the finish was all green.  I had uninstalled SSMS and rebooted before the upgrade.

    I looked in the error log but could find no messages about namespace.

    This was on a clone, not the production machine.  Clone is stand alone as is the production server.

    This was given a warning symbol only, not actually failing the installation.  Trying to find out what it's complaining about to know if this can be ignored or there will be some ramifications down the road.

    Has anyone run into this?



  • is SQLServer Configuration Manager working OK ?

    ref: configuration-manager-is-corrupt


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  • Yes, SQL Server Configuration Manager still works.

  • I found the namespace errors.  Seem to be tied to reporting services.  Reporting Services was installed with SQL 2012 but was never set up and utilized.

    SQL Configuration Manager works.  Got all green at the end of the install.  I'm counting this as good.  Thanks for looking at it.


    "before upgrade attempt”

    Go to

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn and run the command (cmd ad administrator)

    Mofcomp sqlwep-uni.mof.transformed

    This adds the ServerEvents\MSSQLSERVER under WMI    that was missing

    the in-place upgrade will now work without stopping on that part


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  • Thanks for sharing this thumathd. We hit the same issue recently when upgrading and this resolved the issue - good to have a clean install..

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by  K.
  • Please register another set of big-upps!  This got us through a persistent problem as '14 is off support now.

    Thank you, all!!

  • Please register another set of big upps!  This got us through a persistent problem as '14 is off support now.

    Thank you, all!!

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