upgrade from sql server 2000 to 2005

  • Hi all,

    recently we are trying to migrate our sql server 2000 database to a sql server 2005 database server. I am a newbie for sql server 2005 and I don't know if the first step is just backup our database on sql server 2000 and then restore it directly on sql server 2005?

    what issues I should expect?

    I have some DTS packages on 2000 version. Does that mean as long as I ask our administrator to turn on DTS package on 2005 server, and it shouldn't have any problem.

    My database have some functions, stored procedure, and the whole database is not that sophisticated. can you shed light on me?



  • There is more to sql2005 then just the db-engine !

    SSIS is something totaly different than dts.

    May I emphasize you need to start with SQLServer upgrade advisor.

    It checks your sql2000 sb/server and will highlight issues you need to address before the move !


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  • Thanks for your advice.

    Based on your instruction, I downloaded the advisory and I tried to analyze against our intranet

    sql server with a lot of databases on it.( I only need to analyze one database),

    but by default, it always display my computer name as sql server name, and I tried to connect to remote intranet sql database server, it refuses to take it.

    how do I "change the Server name

    on the SQL Server Components pane." where is the sql server component pane?



  • Hi all,

    Now I am able to analyze the remote database.

    I analyze (eliminated Notification Services and Reporting Services since I don't have these two)

    Sql server

    Analysis Services

    Integration Services (Data Transformation Services)

    If it analyzes the sql server, then it will analyze the whole database server, right?

    The reason I am asking this dumb question is because I saw many records on report for this component labeled red check and need to be fixed before upgrade, while nothing about these error messages I am aware of it belongs to my database I am analyzing, does that mean it probably is because my access level to the sql server is not high enough? so I don't have to worry about those read message?

    The description are like these:

    select permission denied on object 'sysdbmaintplans', database 'msdb', owner 'dbo'.

    select permission denied on object 'sysxlogins', database 'master' owner 'dbo'




  • You should run the upgrade advisor on the server (not workstation), preferably by someone who has administrator privileges in order to avoid access issues. It does scan the entire installation of SQL Server. I would be concerned that the advisor wasn't able to completely scan your database server because of a lack of access to key system databases (master, msdb, model) and the entities within.

    Judging from the message you posted, you are unable to look at tables that contain the definitions for your SQL Server logins (not database logins) or the maintenance plans. I think you might have a few concerns that you haven't evaluated some key elements in your DB.

    To simplify this: Have someone with admin privileges to BOTH server's OS install and run the UA on the server, if you can't get the access yourself...

  • Like Chad Slagle explained, if you can, contact a sysadmin / serveradmin to run SQLUA for you, so SQLUA can provide you the most possible info.


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  • all right, thanks you all for your suggestion. if I cannot get the admin access, I will definitely ask my administrator to run advisor for me.



  • Were you able to solve your problem?What type of upgrade did you do In-Place in Migration?

  • This article, on this site, can be helpful. It talks about a few methods you can use, and highlights the planning process, which will help you determine the best method of upgrading.


    Hope that helps...

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