Updating ServerName in ADO.NET connection

  • I inherited a SSIS package using SQL 2008 R2, that has several ADO.NET connections defined.

    The original developer has the connections pointing to his local environment and of course I do not have access to it.

    My problem is that when I try and replace the value in ServerName with a server I have access to, or when I try and change the connection string to point to a different server, I am able to do that, but the changes "don't stick". When I get out of the connection and come back in the original values are still there.

    I can override the connection string at run time with no problem, but at design time I cannot do it.

    Any ideas?

  • the original developer has most likely defined a expression to build the connection string - on the properties of the connection, look for expressions and see what is there.

    Most common is to set the connection string to a variable. this variable is easily updated from a config file or even command line /SET (or /PAR) when executing the package.

  • Close enough. He had defined a variable for ServerName and that was overriding my changes.

    Thanks for the help.

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