Updating a table with YES and NO in a field

  • I have an  issue just brought to my attention.  If the apdelay = 0 then No needs to be put into the delay field

    UPDATE tbl_salesactivity sn

    INNER JOIN apj aj

    ON sn.shipment = aj.shipmentid

    AND aj.APDelay > '0'

    SET sn.delay = 'Yes'


    I rewrote it with a case statement. It is really taking a long time since there is only 140000 records in tbl_salesactivity.

    UPDATE tbl_salesactivity sn

    LEFT JOIN arh ar ON sn.shipment = ar.shipment_id

    SET sn.delay = CASE WHEN ar.ardelay > 0 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END;

  • You could have 2 different UPDATES, or have 1 update and use a CASE statement in your SET statement for the different conditions.

  • UPDATE sn
    sn.delay = CASE
    WHEN ar.ardelay > 0
    THEN 'Yes'
    ELSE 'No'
    FROM tbl_salesactivity sn
    LEFT JOIN arh ar
    ON sn.shipment = ar.shipment_id;

    I assume you have a proper indexes on the tables to support the join.


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