Updating a column

  • Hello All,

    I have 2 different servers. In that 2 servers I have 2 tables one from each.I need to update a column called item id in the 1st table according to the item id in the second table.I mean whataver the values are there in the itemid column in the second table should be there in the item id column of the first table.The issue here is I have 284 records in the first table and 494 records in the second table.Can I use an update statement to update the records?. I have a name column which is common to both the tables (that I can use for join condition) but it has some duplicates. Please suggest me how to do this task. Any suggestions please...

    Thank You

  • Why not to post DDL together with explaining your problem in words. That would help a lot (link at the bottom of my signature).

    From what you described looks like it's possible. You can use link server or openrowset technique to achieve this.

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  • I got to know the other column which is common on both the tables. So i can use that.

    Thanks for the reply

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