Update the column with names

  • I have a table with column and data is

    blp_proposalnoblp_documentattach blp_fundblp_branch

    0002755746201,202,203,204,211 116 KA01

    0002997284201,202,203,204,214,211116 KA01

    0003234742201,202,203,204,211 116 KA01

    0004046205201,202,203,204,211 116 JH73

    0003659836201,202,203,204,211 116 JH73

    0004029283201,202,203,204,211 116 JH73

    0002975418201,202,203,204,214 116 AL139

    0003176467201,202,203,204,211 116 AL17

    0003365092201,202,203,204 116BT01

    0003450570201,202,203,204 116 AS64

    0004056265201,202,203,204,214 116 JM42

    0007359820NULL 116 JA07

    0007415964NULL 116NO13

    0007244229NULL 116AL28

    0007490863NULL 116MO06

    And the other table with data is


    116201Benefit Illustration

    116202Age proof

    116203Address Proof

    116204Proof of Identity

    116205Income proofs

    116206Risk Appetite awareness form

    116207ECS Mandate

    116208CC Mandate

    116200Application Form

    116209Employee Documents

    116210Occupation Related Documents

    116211Cash Authority Documents

    116215Single Name Documentation

    116212NRI Documents

    116213PEP Documents

    116214Female Life Guidelines

    so i need the first table column update like the given below..

    bld_Document attach

    Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,Cash Authority Documents

    Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,Female Life Guidelines,Cash Authority Documents

    and so on....

    Help me...

  • I would first split the data - you can use the function described in this article: Tally OH! An Improved SQL 8K “CSV Splitter” Function[/url] - then join it with the documents and then concatenate the rows again.

    Concatenating is explained in this article:

    Concatenating Row Values in Transact-SQL[/url]

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at https://sqlkover.com.
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Here is the solution for your problem:

    You can use any csv splitter function available and replace the one I have used in the code.

    create table #t


    blp_proposalno bigint,

    blp_documentattach varchar(max),

    blp_fund int,

    blp_branch varchar(5)


    create table #m


    bld_fund int,

    bld_documentid int,

    bld_document varchar(100)


    insert into #t

    select 2755746,'201,202,203,204,211',116,'KA01' union all

    select 2997284,'201,202,203,204,214,000',116,'KA01' union all

    select 3234742,'201,202,203,204,211',116,'KA01' union all

    select 4046205,'201,202,203,204,211',116,'JH73' union all

    select 3659836,'201,202,203,204,211',116,'JH73' union all

    select 4029283,'201,202,203,204,211',116,'JH73' union all

    select 2975418,'201,202,203,204,214',116,'AL139' union all

    select 3176467,'201,202,203,204,211',116,'AL17' union all

    select 3365092,'201,202,203,204,',116,'BT01' union all

    select 3450570,'201,202,203,204,',116,'AS64' union all

    select 4056265,'201,202,203,204,214',116,'JM42' union all

    select 7359820,NULL,116,'JA07' union all

    select 7415964,NULL,116,'NO13' union all

    select 7244229,NULL,116,'AL28' union all

    select 7490863,NULL,116,'MO06'

    insert into #m

    select 116,201,'Benefit Illustration' union all

    select 116,202,'Age proof' union all

    select 116,203,'Address Proof' union all

    select 116,204,'Proof of Identity' union all

    select 116,205,'Income proofs' union all

    select 116,206,'Risk Appetite awareness form' union all

    select 116,207,'ECS Mandate' union all

    select 116,208,'CC Mandate' union all

    select 116,200,'Application Form' union all

    select 116,209,'Employee Documents' union all

    select 116,210,'Occupation Related Documents' union all

    select 116,211,'Cash Authority Documents' union all

    select 116,215,'Single Name Documentation' union all

    select 116,212,'NRI Documents' union all

    select 116,213,'PEP Documents'

    -- Main solution begins here.

    select t.*,p.bld_document

    into #k



    select a.*, Convert(int,b.value) [DocID] from #t a

    cross apply

    (select * from dbo.split_delimited_string(a.blp_documentattach,',')) b

    ) t

    join #m p

    on t.docID = p.bld_documentid

    Select blp_proposalno, STUFF((Select ',' + bld_document from #k where (blp_proposalno = a.blp_proposalno) FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') [bld_Document attach],


    from #k a

    group by blp_proposalno, blp_fund, blp_branch

    The result of the script is as follows:

    blp_proposalno,bld_Document attach,blp_fund,blp_branch

    2755746,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,Cash Authority Documents,116,KA01

    2975418,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,116,AL139

    2997284,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,116,KA01

    3176467,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,Cash Authority Documents,116,AL17

    3234742,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,Cash Authority Documents,116,KA01

    3365092,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,116,BT01

    3450570,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,116,AS64

    3659836,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,Cash Authority Documents,116,JH73

    4029283,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,Cash Authority Documents,116,JH73

    4046205,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,Cash Authority Documents,116,JH73

    4056265,Benefit Illustration,Age proof,Address Proof,Proof of Identity,116,JM42

  • Thanks but

    b.value column is not availabe in any table so it is throwing an error

  • b.value column is coming from the string split function .

    select t.*,p.bld_document

    into #k



    select a.*, Convert(int,b.value) [DocID] from #t a

    cross apply

    (select Value from dbo.split_delimited_string(a.blp_documentattach,',')) b

    ) t

    join #m p

    on t.docID = p.bld_documentid

    replace '*' with 'Value' or by the name of the column given by your string split function and it should work.






    x.[bld_Document attach]

    FROM #t t


    SELECT [bld_Document attach] =


    SELECT ',' + bld_document

    FROM #m m

    WHERE m.bld_fund = t.blp_fund

    AND t.blp_documentattach LIKE '%'+CAST(m.bld_documentid AS VARCHAR(3))+'%'

    FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','VARCHAR(8000)'),1,1,'')

    ) x

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Nice query. Certainly the best approach for the mentioned scenario. Removing the Split function and any hidden R-BAR associated with it. Thanks for posting.

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