Update records with Count() function

  • Hi all,

    My SQL 'Table1' needs an update to a single column 'STCount'. The update needs to be applied

    grouped by 'Sales_Resp', 'Sales_Order', 'Sales_Type'.


    'Sales_Resp', 'Sales_Order', 'Sales_Type', 'STCount'

    TWells, 123, 4, 0

    TWells, 123, 4, 0

    TWells, 123, 4, 0

    TWells, 125, 4, 0

    TWells, 125, 4, 0

    ABaker, 129, 4, 0

    ABaker, 129, 4, 0

    ABaker, 130, 9, 0

    ABaker, 130, 9, 0

    ABaker, 130, 9, 0

    ABaker, 130, 9, 0

    Should become...

    'Sales_Resp', 'Sales_Order', 'Sales_Type', 'STCount'

    TWells, 123, 4, 3

    TWells, 123, 4, 3

    TWells, 123, 4, 3

    TWells, 125, 4, 2

    TWells, 125, 4, 2

    ABaker, 129, 4, 2

    ABaker, 129, 4, 2

    ABaker, 130, 9, 4

    ABaker, 130, 9, 4

    ABaker, 130, 9, 4

    ABaker, 130, 9, 4

    Can anyone help please?

    Thanks in advance,

  • DerbyNeal (7/26/2012)

    Hi all,

    My SQL 'Table1' needs an update to a single column 'STCount'. The update needs to be applied

    grouped by 'Sales_Resp', 'Sales_Order', 'Sales_Type'.


    'Sales_Resp', 'Sales_Order', 'Sales_Type', 'STCount'

    TWells, 123, 4, 0

    TWells, 123, 4, 0

    TWells, 123, 4, 0

    TWells, 125, 4, 0

    TWells, 125, 4, 0

    ABaker, 129, 4, 0

    ABaker, 129, 4, 0

    ABaker, 130, 9, 0

    ABaker, 130, 9, 0

    ABaker, 130, 9, 0

    ABaker, 130, 9, 0

    Should become...

    'Sales_Resp', 'Sales_Order', 'Sales_Type', 'STCount'

    TWells, 123, 4, 3

    TWells, 123, 4, 3

    TWells, 123, 4, 3

    TWells, 125, 4, 2

    TWells, 125, 4, 2

    ABaker, 129, 4, 2

    ABaker, 129, 4, 2

    ABaker, 130, 9, 4

    ABaker, 130, 9, 4

    ABaker, 130, 9, 4

    ABaker, 130, 9, 4

    Can anyone help please?

    Thanks in advance,

    As this is dynamic, calculated info, I'd suggest using a view for this rather than persisting the info as part of the table - it's not a good design.

    But something like this should do it:

    ;with Counts as (select Sales_Resp, Sales_Order, Sales_Type, count(1) [Count] group by Sales_Resp, Sales_Order, Sales_Type)

    update t

    set STCount = Counts.Count

    from Table1 t join Counts on t.Sales_Resp = Counts.Sales_Resp and t.Sales_Order = Counts.Sales_Order and t.Sales_Type = Counts.Sales_Type

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • DerbyNeal (7/26/2012)

    Hi all,

    My SQL 'Table1' needs an update to a single column 'STCount'. The update needs to be applied

    grouped by 'Sales_Resp', 'Sales_Order', 'Sales_Type'.

    I'd agree with Phil - it's not worth persisting as it's so trivial to calculate on-the-fly:





    STCount = COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY Sales_Resp, Sales_Order, Sales_Type)

    FROM ...

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