Update Query dilema....

  • I'm trying to write an Update query that will convert all of the State names in my table to their two character abbreviations.

    I wrote the following but there has to be a better way to do the rest.

    UPDATE  RepUpdate

    SET State = 'MD' WHERE State  = 'Maryland'

  • UPDATE  RepUpdate

    SET State =  


            WHEN 'MD' THEN 'Maryland' 

            WHEN 'CA'  THEN 'blah blah'

                  ELSE 'Blah blah'


  • You should be able to, if you have access, create a table with the state name and the abbreviation and update those records.

    CREATE TABLE [tblStateMaster] (

     [StateAbbrev] [varchar] (2) NOT NULL ,

     [StateName] [varchar] (50)  NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    update tblData

     Set StateName = ST.StateName

    From tblData D, tblStateMaster ST

    WHERE d.StateAbbrev = ST.Abbrev

  • Joe,

    I'd be interested to know why you advise against using UPDATE...FROM. Is it purely for proprietary/portability reasons?


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