Update column data from Linked Server

  • Hello everyone,

    It seems that I get stuck with updating column data from Linked Server.

    It would be great if someone could assist. 🙂

    So, this is the updated script from Linked Server:


    SET [Data] = <Data, VarChar,>

    ,[Ot] = <Ot, VarChar,>

    ,[Year] = <Year, Double,>

    ,[Region] = <Region, VarChar,>

    ,[Country] = <Country, VarChar,>

    ,[Div] = <Div, VarChar,>

    ,[Type] = <Type, VarChar,>

    ,[Parts Used] = <Parts Used, VarChar,>

    ,[Jan] = <Jan, Double,>

    ,[Feb] = <Feb, Double,>

    ,[Mar] = <Mar, Double,>

    ,[Apr] = <Apr, Double,>

    ,[May] = <May, Double,>

    ,[Jun] = <Jun, Double,>

    ,[Jul] = <Jul, Double,>

    ,[Aug] = <Aug, Double,>

    ,[Sep] = <Sep, Double,>

    ,[Oct] = <Oct, Double,>

    ,[Nov] = <Nov, Double,>

    ,[Dec] = <Dec, Double,>

    WHERE <Search Conditions,,>


    and now I want to update column "Parts" in this table (used Script table as ---> Create to):

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Server_FINAL](

    [Ot] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Region] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Country] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Div] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Type] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Year] [int] NULL,

    [Month] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [ET] [float] NULL,

    [ET NEW] [float] NULL,

    [Hr] [float] NULL,

    [Pred] [float] NULL,

    [Red] [float] NULL,

    [Rev] [float] NULL,

    [SR] [float] NULL,

    [TP] [float] NULL,

    [Parts] [float] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    To conclude, table Server_FINAL.Parts need to update with [Parts Used] data from [DATA STORE LINKED]...['ET NEW$'].


  • I've read your post a couple of times, but don't understand the problem. What do you mean by 'column data'?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • I mean update (fill with some values) one table column from another table column.

    the trick is here I don't know how to connect Linked Server e.g.

    update Server_FINAL

    set Server_FINAL.Parts = [DATA STORE LINKED]...['ET NEW$'].[Parts Used]

    and this doesn't work for me.

    Make sense now?

  • tocy1980 (11/18/2016)

    I mean update (fill with some values) one table column from another table column.

    the trick is here I don't know how to connect Linked Server e.g.

    update Server_FINAL

    set Server_FINAL.Parts = [DATA STORE LINKED]...['ET NEW$'].[Parts Used]

    and this doesn't work for me.

    Make sense now?



    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • I have tried this:

    update Server_FINAL

    set Server_FINAL.Parts = [Linked Servers].[DATA STORE LINKED].['ET NEW$'].[Parts Used]

    and it doesn't work.

    Get this error: he multi-part identifier "Linked Servers.DATA STORE LINKED.'ET NEW$'.Parts Used" could not be bound.

  • tocy1980 (11/18/2016)

    I have tried this:

    update Server_FINAL

    set Server_FINAL.Parts = [Linked Servers].[DATA STORE LINKED].['ET NEW$'].[Parts Used]

    and it doesn't work.

    Get this error: he multi-part identifier "Linked Servers.DATA STORE LINKED.'ET NEW$'.Parts Used" could not be bound.

    Is there a link between the target table and the source table? The usual syntax would be something like this:

    update t

    set Parts = s.[parts used]

    from Server_Final t

    join [servername].[dbname].[schema].

    s on t.col1 = s.col1

    I suggest that you get a SELECT query working first, just to be sure that you have the connection working OK:

    select top (10) *

    from [servername].[dbname].[schema].

    Is the name of your Linked Server really 'Linked Servers'? If yes, I suggest you change it to something more meaningful. If no, use the actual server name: you cannot refer to collections like this in T-SQL.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • Phil Parkin (11/18/2016)

    tocy1980 (11/18/2016)

    I have tried this:

    update Server_FINAL

    set Server_FINAL.Parts = [Linked Servers].[DATA STORE LINKED].['ET NEW$'].[Parts Used]

    and it doesn't work.

    Get this error: he multi-part identifier "Linked Servers.DATA STORE LINKED.'ET NEW$'.Parts Used" could not be bound.

    Is there a link between the target table and the source table? The usual syntax would be something like this:

    update t

    set Parts = s.[parts used]

    from Server_Final t

    join [servername].[dbname].[schema].

    s on t.col1 = s.col1

    I suggest that you get a SELECT query working first, just to be sure that you have the connection working OK:

    select top (10) *

    from [servername].[dbname].[schema].

    Is the name of your Linked Server really 'Linked Servers'? If yes, I suggest you change it to something more meaningful. If no, use the actual server name: you cannot refer to collections like this in T-SQL.

    Sorry, still don't understand this as I am the newbie in SQL.

    The name of my Linked Server is "DATA STORE LINKED". This linked server is actually excel file which has 20 sheets and I need the data/values from sheet "ET NEW" ---> column name "Parts Used" to put/update into Table "Server_FINAL" ---> column name "Parts"

  • Some news regarding this as I still haven't resolved this?

  • tocy1980 (11/22/2016)

    Some news regarding this as I still haven't resolved this?

    I stopped responding at the point where you mentioned that the linked server is an Excel spreadsheet, as I have no experience whatsoever of connecting to Excel like that ... I always just use SSIS to get info out of Excel.

    Good luck.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • What is SSIS?

  • tocy1980 (11/22/2016)

    What is SSIS?

    SQL Server Integration Services is an ETL (Extract/TransformLoad) tool which is packaged with SQL Server.

    It's good for moving data from A to B, where A and B are different data 'repositories'.

    'Different' has a number of meanings:

    Different databases

    Different types of data storage (SQL Server, Access, CSV file, Oracle, etc)

    Different physical locations (eg, transfers over FTP, HTTP)

    As the 'Transform' bit may suggest, the data can be manipulated en route, to suit the target.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • See here[/url] for an introduction to SSIS.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • tocy1980 (11/18/2016)

    I have tried this:

    update Server_FINAL

    set Server_FINAL.Parts = [Linked Servers].[DATA STORE LINKED].['ET NEW$'].[Parts Used]

    and it doesn't work.

    Get this error: he multi-part identifier "Linked Servers.DATA STORE LINKED.'ET NEW$'.Parts Used" could not be bound.

    you have to get the linked server working first before you can use it for updates and joins

    does this work at all?

    why did you create a linked server with spaces in the name?

    EXECUTE sp_tables_ex [DATA STORE LINKED]

    SELECT mySheet.*



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