unknown processes

  • Hi,

    I am having problems with one of my servers. I have noticed that there are two processes on the server which are not present on any of our other ones.

    The user is called NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for both and the commands are:

    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_sqlagent_refresh_job @job_id = 0x9E5DC001F44D884EA91544E3087A3F99


    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters

    Do these need to be running? Can i kill them? Why are they there? Any help would be great.


  • No they do not need to be running. Are they alwayy there? they shlould just "pop in and out"?

  • Yeh,they've been there since the server started up. Should I kill them or would that cause a problem?

    Any idea why i never see them on my other servers?


  • No, it shlould not cause any problem if you kill them.

    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_sqlagent_refresh_job @job_id = 0x9E5DC001F44D884EA91544E3087A3F99

    is simply a client refreshing a job.

    The SQLagent_get_perf_counter is a client, local or otherwise, attempting to collect WinNT performance statistics.

  • What is the SPID for each and what COMMAND state are they in?

  • With a search in the 'MSSQL\Install' directory, you can find both 'create procedures' in 2 different .sql files.

    The .get_perf_counters sp collects data from sysalerts and joins it with sysperfinfo.

    I noticed that by default you already get a bunch of those alerts (see SQL EM), you can also create them in EM or in perf/sysmon.

    The 'sp.._refresh_job' runs probably becuase you installed with the 'replication' option.

    I assume you can just delete them from SQL EM


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