Uninstalling a fubared SQL installation

  • My datafiles got deleted with the SQL Service stopped and now SQL will not uninstall. I have rebuilt the databases and put them where they were previous to the delete, but the sql service still will not start, nor uninstall. Any suggestions on how to get this installation off my box short of deleting the physical files and cleaning the registry would be much appreciated.

  • I REALLY didn't want to have to edit the registry, but your first link looked pretty solid, so I just went with it. I was, btw, working on SQL 7, I don't think I mentioned that in my original post. Anyway, I deleted all the keys, the path, and the physical files, reinstalled MSSQL7, and it works!! I can hardly believe it because it seems like every time I modify the registry I break more than I fix. Anyway, thanks for the links!!

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