Uninstall SP3 in clustered environment

  • Hello,

    could you please direct me to the link in SP3 document(setup document or read me document ) where can I found the information about Uninstallation of SP3 in clustered environment

  • I'm not aware of a way of removing it without uninstalling and reinstalling SQL Server. May I ask why you would want to?

    Timothy A Wiseman
    SQL Blog: http://timothyawiseman.wordpress.com/

  • Before applying in production, I would like test the roll back stategy in my test environment. It is mandatory to show the roll back strategy for us if anything goes bad in worst case

  • That does make sense, but I would advise the rollback strategy should be to restore the applications from backup.

    Even if I am wrong and there is in principle a way to uninstall it, that probably will not solve the problem. Most likely any problem you have at that point is caused by:

    a. Something went wrong in the installation process, in which case uninstalling the update will not fix it and you will have to reinstall.

    b. Something was already wrong with the installation meaning you will have to reinstall.

    Timothy A Wiseman
    SQL Blog: http://timothyawiseman.wordpress.com/

  • There is no uninstall for SP3. You need to reinstall SQL 2005. Make backups of your system databases along with your user databases.

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