Unable to login to Report Manager & Reportserver

  • Hi,

    We have SQL Server 2005 reporting services developer edition and the server is in Workgroup NOT in Active Directory. So its NOT a windows authentication.

    If the SQL Server Reporting services is NOT in AD, how can we create users and give them the access to http://servername/reports??

    Now, When I open the URL http://servername/reports or http://servername/reportserver, I'm getting the Credentials page as below:

    SQL Server Reporting Services Logon

    User Name:


    Here I'm providing user name as SA and the SA password(SA password is working as I'm able to log in to the database engine with SA password.) but it saying invalid username or password?

    Can we avoid this user name password thing and directly go to Report manager by changing any code in web.config files?

    As I came to know that previous DBA configured the custom security using Report server Credentila manager(a 3rd party tool). Now we are NOT able to login to the Report manager using http://servername/reports (even using SA password)

    How can I over come this? I need to login to the report manager and deploy some reports.

    please see the attachment for "rsreportserver.config" & RSWebApplication.config files

    please help me to resolve this issue.


  • We have SQL Server 2005 reporting services developer edition and the server is in Workgroup NOT in Active Directory.

    I don't understand a few things why is developer edition being used by more than one person?

    So its NOT a windows authentication.

    If the SQL Server Reporting services is NOT in AD, how can we create users and give them the access to http://servername/reports??

    Then where did you get the idea that AD and SSRS are related because SQL Server in any Windows network is to be configured a member server. And Windows authentication in SSRS is not optional it is required when you are not using Windows authentication you need custom authentication in SSRS because Windows authentication is required. Check below for what you need to use forms authentication and no I have not used it.


    Here I'm providing user name as SA and the SA password(SA password is working as I'm able to log in to the database engine with SA password.) but it saying invalid username or password?

    That is because ReportServer Manager permissions is complicated I have covered most known issues in the middle of the thread below. There is a lot of work and issues to be resolved and it will take some time.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • thanks,

    Then where did you get the idea that AD and SSRS are related because SQL Server in any Windows network is to be configured a member server. And Windows authentication in SSRS is not optional it is required when you are not using Windows authentication you need custom authentication in SSRS because Windows authentication is required. Check below for what you need to use forms authentication and no I have not used it


    Because I have other Sql server reporting services servers in Domain where all the users are coming from AD. Here I created a user, abc\username and gave the required permissions from report manager and the Application team using that username & password in their application server web.config file to access the http://servername/reportserver and everything working great.

    But where as the issue I mentioned for a report server which is in workgroup. Could you give some info on how to deal here?


  • But where as the issue I mentioned for a report server which is in workgroup. Could you give some info on how to deal here?

    That is coverd in the thread I posted because I am in an individual box and I needed to apply all those permissions so go through all those tasks before you post again.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • thanks,

    Its looks like we using FORM based authentication. I have noticed this from the web.config file from(C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\ReportServer)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>



    <section name="RStrace" type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.RSTraceSectionHandler,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics" />




    <!-- 1 = error, 2 = warning, 3 = info, 4 = verbose -->

    <add name="DefaultTraceSwitch" value="3" />


    <assert assertuienabled="false" />



    <add name="FileName" value="ReportServer_" />

    <add name="FileSizeLimitMb" value="32" />

    <add name="KeepFilesForDays" value="14" />

    <add name="Prefix" value="tid, time" />

    <add name="TraceListeners" value="debugwindow, file" />

    <add name="TraceFileMode" value="unique" />

    <add name="Components" value="all,RunningJobs:3,SemanticQueryEngine:2,SemanticModelGenerator:2" />



    <pages validateRequest="false" />

    <authentication mode="Forms">

    <forms loginUrl="logon.aspx" name="sqlAuthCookie" timeout="60" path="/"></forms>



    <deny users="?" />


    <identity impersonate="false" />

    <membership defaultProvider="SqlProvider">


    <clear />





























    <clear />





    type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider" />



    <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="false">


    <clear />

    <add assembly="ReportingServicesWebServer" />



    <customErrors mode="Off"></customErrors>

    <trace enabled="false" requestLimit="10" pageOutput="false" traceMode="SortByTime" localOnly="true" />

    <sessionState mode="Off" />


    <add verb="*" path="Reserved.ReportServer" type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportServiceHttpHandler, ReportingServicesWebServer" />

    <add verb="*" path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd" type = "Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler, ReportingServicesWebServer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" />



    <globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" />

    <httpRuntime executionTimeout = "9000" />


    <trustLevel name="RosettaSrv" policyFile="rssrvpolicy.config" />


    <trust level="RosettaSrv" originUrl="" />



    <add name="MySqlConnection" connectionString="server=rsdev;database=aspnetdb;uid=sa;pwd=xxxx"/>



    <legacyImpersonationPolicy enabled="true"/>

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">


    <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces"


    culture="neutral" />

    <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""






    and I'm trying to connect Reporting services from Management studio and selected 'from Authentication' but again I do NOT have user name & the password. Is there way to find out the user & its password? Or Is there a way to create a new user and give a password and use that user name to connect Report manager from Management studio?

  • Please go back and read Chris' blog so you can write down the steps because you cannot just change the web.config. I have told you Windows authentication is not optional it is required and I have given you all the steps that I know will take hours applying those steps randomly will not help you.

    If you find an easy way to do it post it.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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