Unable to deploy Report project

  • I could use some help in figuring out what the next step is for deploying a Report that I created in BIDS. There was nothing fancy to what the report contains, in fact, I used the wizard in creating it.

    I have created a table on a SQL server instance that gets populated by a SSIS package that I created. The report simply does a: "Select * from [database]"

    When I choose to deploy to the 'ReportServer' it simply kicks back the user name and password that supply it and prompts me again.

    Reporting Services was not installed on the server before I started this, and I had to install it new, so the report services has never worked on this server. (good chance I am missing something on the setup). I went into the configuration Reporting Services configuration and set everything that I could, one thing I couldnt set was the ASP.NET Web service Identity, it was greyed out.

    I have not rebooted the server since install, but I will during the next down time. I looked through IIS Manager but couldnt find anything to change in there -- am I missing something that needs to be setup there?

    Anything else that I may be missing that could be stopping me from deploying the report that was created in BIDS? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • It sounds like you are not setup to be able to deploy reports to the Report Server. You need to get into Report Manager and make sure you are setup to create and deploy reports.

  • How do I get into 'Report Manager' is that done through Reporting Services Configuration tool?

    Sorry for being a bit new at this.

  • You can do this through SSMS, if you are running 2005. You can also do this on the web by going to http://reportserrvername/reports. By default, just like in the SQL Server install Builtin\Administrators have "God" rights. If you are not in this group you may need to work with your Domain admins to get you setup.

  • It seems as though the DBA before me removed all the Builtin\Adminstrator accounts from each of the SQL servers stating a security concern.

    Is that group the only group that can be used to deploy the projects?

  • I am guessing here - but, I think you are trying to deploy the report incorrectly.

    You should be deploying to: http://servername/ReportServer

    I suspect you are trying to deploy to: http://servername/Reports

    As far as being able to administer the system, if you were able to RDP into the server and install SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, and you are a local administrator on the server - you do have access to setup/administer reporting services. The security for Reporting Services is separate from the SQL Server and will, by default, setup BUILTIN\Administrators will full control.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • I double checked the prompt given after choosing to deploy through BIDS where it asks for the log in and the path is just how you stated:


    And yes I am the System Admin locally to the server as well as a sysadmin for the SQL Server, how would I view the builtin/administrators in the reporting services side?

  • Go to the report you are trying to deploy, select the report properties and verify the selection there is pointing to the ReportServer and not Reports.

    From a browser, navigate to: http://servername/Reports. If you can access the system at this point, you should be able to look at the properties for Home and see what security is set there. If not, look at the upper right corner and select Site Settings and review the site settings.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • Now we are getting somewhere, http://servername/Reports

    Page not found. I have created only two directories though the Reporting Services Configuration Manager. Being ReportServer and ReportsMngr.

  • If you do a generic install and let the install setup and configure reporting services - all of that should have been created for you. If you didn't select the option to install reporting services with the default configuration - then you have to go through and setup/configure everything yourself.

    Since I have never done that - I really can't help you go through that.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Ya and this is where I think I am having a problem, the Reporting Services were not installed with the original instance or any instance on this server. I simply went back and re-ran the setup only choosing to install the Reporting Services.

    I did not change anything in advanced settings and just 'let the install ride', so to speak, without any changes from me.

    Thanks for all the help. I have looked all over the internet for something in relation to this, and have had no luck.

  • Todd,

    Here are some screen shots of the Report Server Configuration manager on my PC where RS is running fine. Is this what you are seeing in your setup:

  • Where you dont have anything listed under 'Website' I have 'Default Web Site', maybe the directories for these websites should be under the 'Adminstration Web Site' directory in IIS.

    Clicking on the "NEW..." button I have to choose one or the other.

  • todd_dawson (8/6/2008)

    Where you dont have anything listed under 'Website' I have 'Default Web Site', maybe the directories for these websites should be under the 'Adminstration Web Site' directory in IIS.

    Clicking on the "NEW..." button I have to choose one or the other.

    Based on this quote from the Help file:

    Web Site

    Specifies the name of the Web site used to access the report server instance.

    If you are using a custom Web site, additional configuration is usually required if you are to avoid access denied errors. For more information, see How to: Configure Reporting Services to Use a Non-Default Web Site (Reporting Services Configuration).

    I would think that you need this to be blank and that this is your problem. If you use IIS Admin and go to the server that should have RS are there Virtual Directories for Reports and ReportServer?

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