Unable to connect to Analysis Services

  • Using SQL Server 2008 R2.

    Cannot connect to Analysis Services from SSMS on my PC(I can using BIDS from my PC). I am also getting the same error when attempting to connect to the Analysis Services server from Excel 2010 using the Data Connection Wizard(from my PC).

    I get the following (time out) error:

    "the following system error occurred: a connection attempt failed because the connected party did not respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because host has failed to respond."

    If I remote desktop into the server with the same ID I am able to connect from SSMS & BIDS.

    Any ideas as to what is wrong?


  • Can I check that you have SSMS R2 installed on your local machine (version 10.50.1600.1 or greater), though I dont know why that would stop you connecting via Excel 2010, unless its a driver problem.

    Something you wouldnt experience when connected directly to the server as it would have all the correct tools installed.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • You don't need the full install, just the client components. It could be a port/firewall issue on the server, have you checked this? Can anyone else connect from a remote machine?

    When you say that you can connect via BIDS on your local, can you elaborate?


  • I am new to this so bare with me.

    I have version 10.50.1600.1 installed on my PC for SSMS & Analysis Services Client Tools.

    I have tried to install drivers (but I forgot to unistall any first), meaning I could have installed a driver I already had.

    No users can connect from a remote machine.

    To connect via BIDS:

    start>all programs>Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2>SQL Server Business Intelligence Developement Studio

    I can see/use ONLY the solutions/cubes I created on my machine. I just tried to connect to the Analysis Services server & it failed to connect.

    Steve, I think there is a port/firewall issue but I do not know how to check this or correct it if need be. Do you know the steps I need to perform to look into this & modify if need be?

    Thanks for your help.

  • It was a port/firewall issue.

    After more google research I was able to find the port causing the issue. The port was blocked by the firewall to remote connections. Once the port was unblocked I was able to connect via SSMS & Excel.

    Thanks for your help in pointing me in the right direction.

  • Glad you got it sorted! Didn't see your last post until now :-S If memory serves, you will have had to unblock 2383?


  • stevefromOZ (3/7/2011)

    Glad you got it sorted! Didn't see your last post until now :-S If memory serves, you will have had to unblock 2383?

    That is correct.

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