Unable to connect MSDE 2000 instance over network

  • I installed a new instance of MSDE 2000 with the following options in the INI file:





    SAPWD= "talkwyz"

    COLLATION = "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"

    The instance can be acessed from the local computer, but I am unable to connect to it remotely. Also when I try apply SQL 2000 Sp3 to the instance the service does not find the SQL Server instance.

    I have a similar problem with a secondary instance I loaded on a client machine. The first instance is called fs_mobile (SQL 7) while the secondary instance is called fs_mobile\sql2000, I can access the first instance over the network but the secondary instance is not accessible over the network. The secondary instance is acessible on the local machine.

    Any ideas on this?

  • are there any routers/firewalls in the way? Be sure that you can get to UDP 1434 for the remote machine to "find" the instance port. Alternatively you can set teh instance port to a specific value and connect on that from another machine using an alias.

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