Two-Digit Month?

  • I have defined a variable "@varMonth char(2)", and then initialized it with the line:

    SET @varMonth = DATEPART(Month, @varSysDate).

    The problem is, this returns a "4" for April, not an "04". How can I get it to return "04"? I know I could just concatenate a "0" to the beginning of the value, but that isn't the way I want to do it.

    I want it to return the month as 2-digits, no matter what month it is, and I'd prefer not to specifically define it differently for Oct-Dec.

  • How about

    select @varMonth =left(convert(varchar(10),@varSysDate,101),2)

    see CONVERT (data_type[(length)], expression [, style])

    where 101 is -"mm/dd/yy"

    Edited by - EPol29 on 04/16/2002 12:30:44 PM

  • perfect. thanks

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