Turn multiple rows With Similar IDs to XML

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to convert multiple rows with shared IDs into XML however I am struggling getting it collated into a single row per ID.

    I currently have the XML looking along these lines:

    <name>C: </name>
    <totalSize>222.98 GB</totalSize>
    <name>D: </name>
    <totalSize>931.39 GB</totalSize>
    <name>C: </name>
    <totalSize>222.98 GB</totalSize>
    <name>D: </name>
    <totalSize>931.39 GB</totalSize>

    and I'm looking for it like this:

    <name>C: </name>
    <totalSize>222.98 GB </totalSize>
    <name>D: </name>
    <totalSize>931.39 GB </totalSize>
    <name>C: </name>
    <totalSize>222.98 GB </totalSize>
    <name>D: </name>
    <totalSize>931.39 GB </totalSize>

    the SQL I've written is below:

    SELECT ID as [ID]
    , h.d.value('(./name)[1]','NVARCHAR(100)')+' ' AS [name]
    , h.d.value('(./totalSize)[1]','NVARCHAR(100)')+' ' AS [totalSize]
    FROM Table1
    CROSS APPLY HardDriveXML.nodes('drives/drive') h(d)
    FOR XML PATH('Results')
  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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