Tuning Tips Needed

  • Can anypne provide me the tuning tips for this code. Thanks in anticipation

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spFixHtml @uiDocumentId uniqueidentifier



     -- cursor which fetches the rows flagged as 7


     DECLARE curFixHtml CURSOR FOR SELECT nvtext,sentenceid FROM #Sentence WHERE JFlag = 7 FOR UPDATE


     DECLARE @vExtractString AS NVARCHAR(1000),

      @vFetchedString AS NVARCHAR(1000),

      @vExtractHtml AS NVARCHAR(20),

      @vExtractValidWord AS NVARCHAR(20),

      @vTempString AS NVARCHAR(1000),

      @vExtractAttribute AS NVARCHAR(20),

      @iEqualPos AS INT,

      @iAttrCount AS INT,

      @iStartBracketPos AS INT,

      @iCount AS INT,

      @iRowCount AS INT,

      @iEndBracketPos AS INT,

      @bIsHtmlTag AS BIT,



     OPEN curFixHtml





      FETCH NEXT FROM curFixHtml INTO @vFetchedString,@uSentenceID

      IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> 0) BREAK


      SET @iEndBracketPos=0

      SET @bIsHtmlTag = 0

      SET @vExtractString = ''




       -- Getting position of angular brackets


       SET @iStartBracketPos = CHARINDEX('<',@vFetchedString,1)

       SET @iEndBracketPos = CHARINDEX('>',@vFetchedString,1)


       -- Break if angular brakets not found


       IF @iStartBracketPos = 0 and @iEndBracketPos = 0


        SET @vExtractString = @vExtractString + @vFetchedString  





       IF @iStartBracketPos = 0 or (@iStartBracketPos > @iEndBracketPos and @iEndBracketPos !=0)

        SET @iCount = @iEndBracketPos - 1


        SET @iCount = @iStartBracketPos + 1


       -- Takes care not to extract spaces in extracting html tags


       WHILE UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iCount,1)) = 32 and @iCount > 0 and @iCount <= LEN(@vFetchedString)


        IF @iStartBracketPos = 0 or (@iStartBracketPos > @iEndBracketPos and @iEndBracketPos !=0)

         SET @iCount = @iCount - 1


         SET @iCount = @iCount + 1



       -- if angular bracket is at start


       IF @iCount = 0


        SET @vExtractString = @vExtractString + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,1,1)

        SET @vFetchedString = SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,2,LEN(@vFetchedString))




       -- if angular bracket is at end  


       IF @iCount > LEN(@vFetchedString)


        SET @vExtractString = @vExtractString + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,1,LEN(@vFetchedString))




       SET @vExtractHtml = ''


       --Extratcing HTML keyword between the angular brackets


       WHILE (UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iCount,1)) between 65 and 90 or UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iCount,1)) between 97 and 122 or

       SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iCount,1) = '/') and @iCount > 0 and @iCount < = LEN(@vFetchedString)


        SET @vExtractHtml = @vExtractHtml + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iCount,1)

        IF @iStartBracketPos = 0 or (@iStartBracketPos > @iEndBracketPos and @iEndBracketPos !=0)

         SET @iCount = @iCount - 1


         SET @iCount = @iCount + 1



       IF @iStartBracketPos = 0 or (@iStartBracketPos > @iEndBracketPos and @iEndBracketPos !=0)

        SET @vExtractHtml = REVERSE(@vExtractHtml)


       --If no keyword is found find prepare string to find next angular brackets


       IF LEN(@vExtractHtml) = 0


        IF @iStartBracketPos = 0 or (@iStartBracketPos > @iEndBracketPos and @iEndBracketPos !=0)


         SET @vExtractString = @vExtractString + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,1,@iEndBracketPos)

         IF @iEndBracketPos < LEN(@vFetchedString)

          SET @vFetchedString = SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iEndBracketPos+1,LEN(@vFetchedString))


          SET @vFetchedString = ''


        ELSE IF @iEndBracketPos = 0 or (@iStartBracketPos < @iEndBracketPos and @iStartBracketPos !=0)


         SET @vExtractString = @vExtractString + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,1,@iStartBracketPos)

         IF @iStartBracketPos < LEN(@vFetchedString)

          SET @vFetchedString = SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iStartBracketPos+1,LEN(@vFetchedString))


          SET @vFetchedString = ''





       IF SUBSTRING(@vExtractHtml,1,1) = '/'


         SET @vExtractHtml = SUBSTRING(@vExtractHtml,2,(LEN(@vExtractHtml)-1))

         SET @vExtractHtml = ltrim(rtrim(@vExtractHtml))



       SET @vExtractAttribute = ''


       IF @iStartBracketPos = 0 or (@iStartBracketPos > @iEndBracketPos and @iEndBracketPos !=0)


        SET @iEqualPos = charindex('=',@vFetchedString,1)

        SET @iEqualPos = @iEqualPos - 1


        WHILE (UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iEqualPos,1)) between 65 and 90 or UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iEqualPos,1)) between 97 and 122 )

         and @iEqualPos > 0


         SET @vExtractAttribute = @vExtractAttribute + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iEqualPos,1)

         SET @iEqualPos = @iEqualPos - 1




       SET @vExtractAttribute = REVERSE(@vExtractAttribute)


       SELECT @iAttrCount=count(keyword) FROM Junk_Lookup WHERE RTRIM(keyword) = @vExtractAttribute and JFlag = 7


       --SET @iAttrCount = @@ROWCOUNT


       SELECT @iRowCount = count(keyword) FROM Junk_Lookup WHERE RTRIM(keyword) = @vExtractHtml and JFlag = 7


       --SET @iRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT


       IF @iRowCount = 0 and @iAttrCount <> 0






       -- If HTML keyword found and it is a proper tag with opening and closing angular brackets


       IF @iRowCount != 0 and @iEndBracketPos != 0 and @iStartBracketPos < @iEndBracketPos and @iStartBracketPos != 0


        --if html keyword found

        SET @vExtractValidword = ''

        SET @iCount = @iEndBracketPos + 1


        IF @iCount > LEN(@vFetchedString)


         SET @vExtractString = @vExtractString + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,1,@iStartBracketPos - 1)

         SET @bIsHtmlTag = 1




        WHILE UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iCount,1)) = 32 and @iCount <= LEN(@vFetchedString)


         SET @iCount = @iCount + 1



        -- checks for valid word that can come next to html keyword


        WHILE (UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iCount,1)) between 65 and 90 or UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iCount,1)) between 97 and 122) and

        @iCount <= LEN(@vFetchedString)


         set @vExtractValidword = @vExtractValidword + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iCount,1)

         set @iCount = @iCount + 1



        IF  not exists (SELECT Jflag FROM Junk_Lookup WHERE validword = @vExtractValidword and JFlag = 7)


         SET @vExtractString = @vExtractString + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,1,@iStartBracketPos - 1)

         SET @vFetchedString = SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iEndBracketPos+1,LEN(@vFetchedString))

         SET @bIsHtmlTag = 1




         SET @bIsHtmlTag = 0



       END -- HTML keyword found and no ending brackets

       ELSE IF  @iRowCount != 0 and @iEndBracketPos = 0


        SET @vExtractString = @vExtractString + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,1,@iStartBracketPos - 1)

        SET @vFetchedString = ''

        SET @bIsHtmlTag = 1



       -- HTML keyword found and no Opening brackets before the ending brackets


       ELSE IF  @iRowCount != 0 and ( @iStartBracketPos = 0 or @iStartBracketPos > @iEndBracketPos)


        IF @iEndBracketPos < LEN(@vFetchedString)

         SET @vFetchedString = SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iEndBracketPos+1,LEN(@vFetchedString))


         SET @vFetchedString = ''

        SET @vExtractString = ''

        SET @bIsHtmlTag = 1


       ELSE --- No HTML keyword is found


        IF @iEndBracketPos = 0 or (@iStartBracketPos < @iEndBracketPos and @iStartBracketPos !=0)


         SET @vExtractString = @vExtractString + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,1,@iStartBracketPos)

         IF @iStartBracketPos < LEN(@vFetchedString)

          SET @vFetchedString = SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iStartBracketPos+1,LEN(@vFetchedString))


          SET @vFetchedString = ''




         SET @vExtractString = @vExtractString + SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,1,@iEndBracketPos)

         IF @iEndBracketPos < LEN(@vFetchedString)

          SET @vFetchedString = SUBSTRING(@vFetchedString,@iEndBracketPos+1,LEN(@vFetchedString))


          SET @vFetchedString = ''







      IF @iRowCount = 0 and @iAttrCount <> 0


       /*INSERT INTO JUNK_SENTENCE(SentenceID,DocumentID,nvText,LineNumber,Paragraph,bCorpus,SigSum,SigAngle,SigID1,SigID2,SigID3,SigID4,Bytes,JFlag) SELECT SentenceID,

       DocumentID,nvText,LineNumber,Paragraph,bCorpus,SigSum,SigAngle,SigID1,SigID2,SigID3,SigID4,Bytes,JFlag FROM sentence AS sent WHERE sentenceid = @u_SentenceID and not exists

       (SELECT sentenceid FROM junk_sentence AS JunkSent WHERE sent.sentenceID = junkSent.sentenceID )*/


       IF @@ERROR <> 0

        GOTO OnError


       UPDATE #Sentence SET JFlag=7 WHERE CURRENT OF curFixHtml


       IF @@ERROR <> 0

        GOTO OnError




       IF @bIsHtmlTag = 1


        /*INSERT INTO JUNK_SENTENCE(SentenceID,DocumentID,nvText,LineNumber,Paragraph,bCorpus,SigSum,SigAngle,SigID1,SigID2,SigID3,SigID4,Bytes,JFlag) SELECT SentenceID,

        DocumentID,nvText,LineNumber,Paragraph,bCorpus,SigSum,SigAngle,SigID1,SigID2,SigID3,SigID4,Bytes,JFlag FROM sentence AS sent WHERE sentenceid = @u_SentenceID and not exists

        (SELECT sentenceid FROM junk_sentence AS JunkSent WHERE sent.sentenceID = junkSent.sentenceID )*/


        IF @@ERROR <> 0

         GOTO OnError

        --UPDATE sentence SET nvtext = @v_ExtractString,JFlag=100 WHERE CURRENT OF cur_FixHtml

        UPDATE #Sentence SET JFlag=7 WHERE CURRENT OF curFixHtml

        IF @@ERROR <> 0

         GOTO OnError




        UPDATE #Sentence SET JFlag=100 WHERE CURRENT OF curFixHtml

        IF @@ERROR <> 0

         GOTO OnError







     CLOSE curFixHtml

     DEALLOCATE curFixHtml


     UPDATE #Sentence SET JFlag = 7 WHERE nvtext like N'ww%'



     INSERT INTO JUNK_SENTENCE(SentenceID,DocumentID,nvText,LineNumber,Paragraph,bCorpus,SigSum,SigAngle,SigID1,SigID2,SigID3,SigID4,Bytes,JFlag) SELECT SentenceID,

     DocumentID,nvText,LineNumber,Paragraph,bCorpus,SigSum,SigAngle,SigID1,SigID2,SigID3,SigID4,Bytes,JFlag FROM sentence AS sent WHERE nvtext like N'ww%' and not exists

     (SELECT sentenceid FROM junk_sentence AS JunkSent WHERE sent.sentenceID = junkSent.sentenceID )


     DELETE FROM sentence WHERE nvtext like N'ww%'




     IF @@ERROR <> 0

      GOTO OnError


     GOTO OnExit



      INSERT INTO LogTable VALUES(@uiDocumentId, 'Error','Transaction failed during fixing of HTML tags on ' + CAST(GETDATE() AS VARCHAR(30)),CAST(GETDATE() AS DATETIME))







  • Take a look at the fine articles in this forum on why it is 'very bad' to use cursors. I haven't looked at your SQL at all other than to see it uses cursors. I would be looking to remove the cursor then see what the state of play is.

  • There are several oppourtunities for improvement but rather than tuning pieces of the procedure, we can probably rewrite it without cursors if you explain what it's doing overall. (I could figure it out but that's tedious.)

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