TSQL query

  • Hi,

    I have to inserts all the rows from source table to target table. But the query returns the follwing error:

    Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 48

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'topic_id', table 'Mig_PHPBB_DEV.dbo.phpbb_posts'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    The statement has been terminated.

    Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 38

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'topic_id', table 'Mig_PHPBB_DEV.dbo.phpbb_posts'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    The statement has been terminated.

    Query :


    declare @id as int

    declare @tid as int

    declare @poster_id as int

    declare @postername as varchar(50)

    declare @cat as varchar(80)

    declare @subcat as varchar(80)

    declare @topic as varchar(500)

    declare @sub as varchar(500)

    declare @subID as int

    declare @body as varchar(800)


    select category, subcategory, topic, subject, body

    from replies

    OPEN RepliesCUR

    FETCH NEXT FROM RepliesCUR into @cat,@subcat,@topic,@sub,@body

    Set @id = (select forum_id from phpbb_forums where Forum_name=@Cat

    and forum_type=0)

    Set @subid = (Select forum_id from phpbb_forums where

    parent_id=@id and forum_name=@subcat and forum_type=1 )

    Set @tid = (select topic_id

    from phpbb_topics

    where Forum_id =@subid

    and topic_title =@topic)

    --Set @poster_id = (select user_id from phpbb_users where username = @postername)



    insert into phpbb_posts(forum_id,topic_id,post_subject,post_text)

    values (@subid,@tid,@sub,@body)

    FETCH NEXT FROM RepliesCUR into @cat,@subcat,@topic,@sub,@body

    Set @id = (select forum_id from phpbb_forums where Forum_name=@Cat)

    Set @subid = (Select forum_id from phpbb_forums where

    parent_id=@id and forum_name=@subcat and forum_type=1 )

    Set @tid = (select topic_id from phpbb_topics where Forum_id =@subid

    and topic_title =@topic)

    insert into phpbb_posts(forum_id,topic_id,post_subject,


    values (@subid,@tid,@sub,@body)

    --Set @poster_id = (select user_id from phpbb_users where username = @postername)


    close RepliesCUR

    deallocate RepliesCUR

    please help

    "More Green More Oxygen !! Plant a tree today"

  • Minaz,

    FETCH NEXT FROM RepliesCUR into @cat,@subcat,@topic,@sub,@body

    Set @tid = (select topic_id

    from phpbb_topics

    where Forum_id =@subid

    and topic_title =@topic)

    insert into phpbb_posts(forum_id,topic_id,post_subject,post_text)

    values (@subid,@tid,@sub,@body)

    It looks like the select is not returning any values in your table for this topic_title, and the table does not allow NULLS. Should the select always return a topic_ID based on the topic_title?

  • I have to ask: Why is this being done with a cursor? It is terribly inefficient, as is populating each variable with a separate query to the same table.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Bob is suggesting something like:

    INSERT INTO phpbb_posts(forum_id, topic_id, post_subject, post_text)

    SELECT F2.forum_id, T.topic_id, R.[subject], R.body

    FROM replies R

    JOIN phpbb_forums F1

    ON R.category = F1.Forum_name

    AND forum_type = 0

    JOIN phpbb_forums F2

    ON F1.forum_id = F2.parent_id

    AND R.subcategory = F2.forum_name

    AND forum_type = 1

    JOIN phpbb_topics T

    ON F2.forum_id = T.forum_id

    AND F2.topic_title = R.topic

    Please check this code produces the desired results before applying it.

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