tsql help

  • Hi All,

    Need some help in preparing a restore cmd dynamically using metadata which is stored inside a table. We need to read the file locations from the metadata table

    and form the RESTORE commands.

    -- metadata table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FilelocationsTBL](

    [dbid] [smallint] NULL,

    [dbname] [nvarchar](128) NULL,

    [logicalname] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,

    [filename] [varchar](300) NOT NULL



    INSERT FilelocationsTBL(dbid,dbname,logicalname,filename) VALUES (24,'DB2','cmx_ors_prm','H:\MSSQL\Data\DB2\DB2_prm.mdf')

    INSERT FilelocationsTBL(dbid,dbname,logicalname,filename) VALUES (24,'DB2','cmx_ors_log','I:\MSSQL\Log\DB2\DB2_log.ldf')

    INSERT FilelocationsTBL(dbid,dbname,logicalname,filename) VALUES (24,'DB2','cmx_ors_dat','F:\MSSQL\Data\DB2\DB2_dat.ndf')

    INSERT FilelocationsTBL(dbid,dbname,logicalname,filename) VALUES (24,'DB2','cmx_ors_ind','H:\MSSQL\Data\DB2\DB2_ind.ndf')

    SELECT * FROM FilelocationsTBL WHERE dbname = 'DB2';

    -- I want to prepate below restore cmd using the above table


    RESTORE DATABASE [DB2] FROM DISK='J:\backup\cmx_FullBKP.bak'


    MOVE 'cmx_ors_prm' TO 'H:\MSSQL\Data\DB2\DB2_prm.mdf',

    MOVE 'cmx_ors_log' TO 'I:\MSSQL\Log\DB2\DB2_log.ldf',

    MOVE 'cmx_ors_dat' TO 'F:\MSSQL\Data\DB2\DB2_dat.ndf',

    MOVE 'cmx_ors_ind' TO 'H:\MSSQL\Data\DB2\DB2_ind.ndf'



    I tried but I am getting some errors. Can anyone help me out please.

    --- inputs

    declare @v_dbname varchar(100)

    set @v_dbname = 'DB2';

    declare @v_bkpfilename varchar(100)

    set @v_bkpfilename = 'J:\backup\cmx_FullBKP.bak';

    declare @stmt varchar(2000);

    --set @stmt= 'RESTORE DATABASE '+@v_dbname+' FROM DISK = '''+@v_bkpfilename+''' WITH REPLACE,';

    set @stmt= 'RESTORE DATABASE '+@v_dbname+' FROM DISK = '''+@v_bkpfilename+''' WITH REPLACE,'+' MOVE '''+logicalname+''' FROM FilelocationsTBL WHERE dbname = ''DB2''';

    PRINT @stmt



    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 47

    Invalid column name 'logicalname'.


    Expected output


    -- I want to prepate below restore cmd using the above table


    RESTORE DATABASE [DB2] FROM DISK='J:\backup\cmx_FullBKP.bak'


    MOVE 'cmx_ors_prm' TO 'H:\MSSQL\Data\DB2\DB2_prm.mdf',

    MOVE 'cmx_ors_log' TO 'I:\MSSQL\Log\DB2\DB2_log.ldf',

    MOVE 'cmx_ors_dat' TO 'F:\MSSQL\Data\DB2\DB2_dat.ndf',

    MOVE 'cmx_ors_ind' TO 'H:\MSSQL\Data\DB2\DB2_ind.ndf'





  • The error appears to be letting you the problem here:

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 47

    Invalid column name 'logicalname'.

    In your statement you have '...''' + logicalname + '''...' but you have no FROM. Where is logicalname coming from? Should it be a variable? Should there be a FROM?

    Also, you really shouldn't be injecting raw string values into a dynamic SQL statement; you need to ensure you parametrise your queries or properly quote them. Here you need to quote them properly using QUOTENAMElsuch as N'...' + QUOTENAME(@v_dbname) + N'...' and N'...N' + QUOTENAME(@v_bkpfilename,'''') + N'...'. I cover how to do this in an article here, which'll be a better description than be explaining it all here.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanks for the pointers for dynamic sql . it has to come from FROM clause.

  • vsamantha35 wrote:

    Thanks for the pointers for dynamic sql . it has to come from FROM clause.

    Then you need to change from statement from a SET to a SELECT and include a FROM (and likely a WHERE to limit the result set to 1 row).


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Okay. thanks Thom.

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