Tsql Debugger - help please

  • I need to debug some proc but I'll be d#@$@#!! if I can get this thing to work.

    When I open the debugger it either runs straight through the proc to a return val or starts with an error. Even when I toggle breakpoints I do not actually have the opportunity to 'debug

    CREATE proc test(

    @var1 int,

    @var2 char(1)




    set nocount on

    Declare @var3 varchar(10)

    Set @var1 = @var1 * 1.75

    PRINT @var1

    SET @var3 = @var2 + cast(@var1 as varchar)



    any assistance is a appreciated.


  • I experienced a similar problem. I was trying to run SQL debugger from my desktop machine to the development database. All I could do was run through it. When I ran debugger on my local desktop SQL Server instance the debugger worked.

    I guess you need to run the debugger on the SQL Server with the stored procs you want to debug to get it to work. Perhaps it was a mis-configuration on our server? Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

  • Is the Remote Debugging Tools installed corectly on the Sql Server.

    And do you have the Debug Sql flag turned on in the IDE ?

  • Thank you for your help.

    I am checking on the first. Where do you turn on the Debug SQL flag?

  • In VS.Net 2003

    Right Click on the project in the Sloution Explorer then click properties.

    Select Configuration properties and then debugging.

    By Default it is set to false.

  • I don't think remote debugging is on the server. How do I add this to an existing installation?


  • Oh - I see what you are saying. I use that all the time on my personal computer for SS and Mysql but at work Tsql is not considered programming so sadly I do not have that luxury. I am stuck with the built in version.

  • Have the Sql Server Admin install remote debugging from the VS.NET CD

    Make sure he does not install all of the app just the remote debug component. I think it is near the bottom if the install screen.

  • Another popular mistake is to remove the sqldebugger-user from the domain which will result in

    EXECUTE permission denied on object 'sp_sdidebug', database 'master'

    error message.

    To get around this you need to create a similar new account and configure DCOM according to "Troubleshooting the Transact-SQL Debugger" in BOL

    Here's an interesting KB article.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
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