TSQL Assistance

  • My apologies for the first draft of my question. I have removed the excess code, provided data from the two tables, as well as an example of what is expected from the query. My ultimate goal is to generate a list of missing subject codes from the Responsibility table however I currently get a list of matching subject codes.

    CREATE TABLE Responsibility ( [TeacherID] int, [SPN] varchar(16), [TeacherName] varchar(82), [SubjectCode] int )

    INSERT INTO Responsibility


    ( 28, '10621334', 'Jane Doe', 500 ),

    ( 28, '10621334', 'Jane Doe', 524 ),

    ( 28, '10621334', 'Jane Doe', 4562 ),

    ( 28, '10621334', 'Jane Doe', 5260 ),

    ( 28, '10621334', 'Jane Doe', 5268 ),

    ( 28, '10621334', 'Jane Doe', 5518 ),

    ( 28, '10621334', 'Jane Doe', 5902 ),

    ( 28, '10621334', 'Jane Doe', 5966 ),

    ( 28, '10621334', 'Jane Doe', 5974 );

    CREATE TABLE CourseInfo ( [CourseStateCode] int, [SchoolCourseID] varchar(20), [CourseTeacherID] int )

    INSERT INTO CourseInfo


    ( 4562, '1870', 28 ),

    ( 5268, '1872', 28 ),

    ( 5394, '1745', 28 )

    Desired results would look like

    CourseStateCode, CourseTeacherID, SchoolCourseID,TeacherID,SPN, TeacherName, SubjectCode

    5394 28 1745 28 10621334 Jane Doe NULL

    Query as it exists now.


    CourseInfo.CourseStateCode ,

    CourseInfo.CourseTeacherID ,

    CourseInfo.SchoolCourseID ,

    Responsibility.TeacherID ,

    Responsibility.SPN ,

    Responsibility.TeacherName ,


    FROM Left JOIN Responsibility ON CourseInfo.CourseTeacherID + CourseInfo.CourseStateCode =

    Responsibility.TeacherID + Responsibility.SubjectCode

    WHERE Responsibility.TeacherID = '28';

    What I get is a list of codes that exist in both the CourseInfo and the Responsibility table.

    CourseStateCode, CourseTeacherID, SchoolCourseID,TeacherID,SPN, TeacherName, SubjectCode

    5268 28 1872 28 10621334 Jane Doe 5268

    4562 28 1870 28 10621334 Jane Doe 4562

  • mareynolds (10/12/2016)

    Good afternoon. I need some assistance getting pointed in the right direction. My ultimate goal is to produce rows where there is not a matching courseinfo.coursestatecode in the responsibility.subjectcode for a teacher. Our HR staff will then use this list to generate the missing responsibility records. Currently, the SQL below generates a row for each responsibility.subjectcode a teacher has.

    DECLARE @SchoolYear NCHAR(4);

    SET @SchoolYear = '2017';

    WITH Responsibility

    AS ( SELECT DISTINCT staff.name_id AS 'TeacherID' ,

    staff.in_sch_personnel_nbr AS 'SPN' ,

    staff.long_name AS 'TeacherName' ,

    /*StateRpt.date_fld_01 AS 'StartDate' ,

    StateRpt.date_fld_02 AS 'EndDate' ,

    StateRpt.int_fld_01 AS 'SPEDClassSetting' ,

    StateRpt.char_fld_01 AS 'HighlyQualifiedTchr' ,*/

    StateRpt.int_fld_02 AS 'SubjectCode'

    FROM dbo.staff

    INNER JOIN dbo.name ON staff.name_id = name.name_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.ssrpt_state_reporting AS StateRpt ON staff.name_id = StateRpt.src_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.staff_entity ON staff.name_id = staff_entity.name_id

    WHERE staff_entity.status_cur_yr = 'A'

    AND ( staff.x_teacher = '1'

    OR staff.x_substitute = '1'




    CourseInfo.CourseStateCode ,

    CourseInfo.CourseTeacherID ,

    CourseInfo.SchoolCourseID ,

    Responsibility.TeacherID ,

    Responsibility.SPN ,

    Responsibility.TeacherName ,

    /*Responsibility.StartDate ,


    Responsibility.SPEDClassSetting ,

    Responsibility.HighlyQualifiedTchr ,*/



    course.mn_cor_assign_code AS 'CourseStateCode' ,

    course.cor_alphakey AS 'SchoolCourseID' ,

    class_meet.name_id AS 'CourseTeacherID'

    FROM dbo.student_entity

    INNER JOIN dbo.entity ON student_entity.entity_id = entity.entity_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.student_class ON student_entity.student_id = student_class.student_id

    AND student_entity.entity_id = student_class.entity_id

    AND student_class.school_year = @SchoolYear

    INNER JOIN dbo.class ON student_class.cor_num_id = class.cor_num_id

    AND student_class.track = class.track

    AND student_class.clas_section = class.clas_section

    AND clas_status = 'A'

    INNER JOIN dbo.clas_control_set ON class.entity_id = clas_control_set.entity_id

    AND class.track = clas_control_set.track

    AND class.control_set_id = clas_control_set.control_set_id

    AND clas_control_set.school_year = @SchoolYear

    AND control_set_ref = '0'

    AND clas_control_set.school_year = @SchoolYear

    AND dbo.clas_control_set.control_set_id IN (

    'S1', 'YR', 'Q1' )

    INNER JOIN dbo.class_meet ON class.cor_num_id = class_meet.cor_num_id

    AND class.track = class_meet.track

    AND class.clas_section = class_meet.clas_section

    AND class_meet.school_year = @SchoolYear

    INNER JOIN dbo.name AS Teacher ON class_meet.name_id = Teacher.name_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.course ON class_meet.cor_num_id = course.cor_num_id

    AND cor_status = 'A'

    INNER JOIN dbo.staff ON Teacher.name_id = staff.name_id

    ) AS CourseInfo

    right JOIN Responsibility ON --CourseInfo.CourseStateCode = Responsibility.SubjectCode

    CourseInfo.CourseTeacherID = Responsibility.TeacherID

    WHERE Responsibility.SPN = '10621334'

    AND CourseInfo.CourseStateCode <> Responsibility.SubjectCode;

    -- AND CourseInfo.CourseStateCode IS NULL;


    02891052810621334Jane Doe500

    45622818702810621334Jane Doe500

    52682818722810621334Jane Doe500

    53942817452810621334Jane Doe500

    02891052810621334Jane Doe524

    45622818702810621334Jane Doe524

    52682818722810621334Jane Doe524

    53942817452810621334Jane Doe524

    02891052810621334Jane Doe4562

    52682818722810621334Jane Doe4562

    53942817452810621334Jane Doe4562

    02891052810621334Jane Doe5260

    45622818702810621334Jane Doe5260

    52682818722810621334Jane Doe5260

    53942817452810621334Jane Doe5260

    02891052810621334Jane Doe5268

    45622818702810621334Jane Doe5268

    53942817452810621334Jane Doe5268

    02891052810621334Jane Doe5518

    45622818702810621334Jane Doe5518

    52682818722810621334Jane Doe5518

    53942817452810621334Jane Doe5518

    02891052810621334Jane Doe5902

    45622818702810621334Jane Doe5902

    52682818722810621334Jane Doe5902

    53942817452810621334Jane Doe5902

    02891052810621334Jane Doe5966

    45622818702810621334Jane Doe5966

    52682818722810621334Jane Doe5966

    53942817452810621334Jane Doe5966

    02891052810621334Jane Doe5974

    45622818702810621334Jane Doe5974

    52682818722810621334Jane Doe5974

    53942817452810621334Jane Doe5974

    You need to use OUTER JOINS (left or right). I can't give you a coded answer because I'm not able to test it.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Since English is a left-to-right language, you will almost exclusively see people using LEFT outer joins.

    A RIGHT outer join says include all records from the RIGHT table (Responsibilities) regardless of whether there are matches on the left side (Course Info) whereas you want all records from the LEFT table regardless of whether there are matches from the RIGHT table, so you should be using a LEFT (not RIGHT) outer join. And English speakers prefer left outer joins anyhow, as previously stated.

    Your where clause includes a condition on the missing data that converts the OUTER JOIN to an INNER JOIN. It's not clear how to correct this problem, because you are missing sample data and expected results.

    -- This converts your outer join to an inner join

    AND CourseInfo.CourseStateCode <> Responsibility.SubjectCode;


    I realize that you included a table, but it's not clear which table that is and we need data for each of the tables included in the query. HOWEVER, you've given us both too much information and too little information. We don't really need to know EVERY SINGLE TABLE that goes into your query, we only need enough information to reconstruct the problem. For instance, your derived table is a table. We don't need to know how the table arrived at that state, we only need that table.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Again, your WHERE clause is converting your OUTER JOIN to an INNER JOIN. You want to find record where the value is MISSING. Use the following.


    CourseInfo.CourseStateCode ,

    CourseInfo.CourseTeacherID ,

    CourseInfo.SchoolCourseID ,

    Responsibility.TeacherID ,

    Responsibility.SPN ,

    Responsibility.TeacherName ,


    FROM CourseInfo

    LEFT JOIN Responsibility ON CourseInfo.CourseTeacherID = Responsibility.TeacherID

    AND CourseInfo.CourseStateCode = Responsibility.SubjectCode

    WHERE Responsibility.TeacherID IS NULL;

    I also changed your join criteria. You should avoid calculations in JOIN and WHERE criteria whenever possible, because it prevents the optimizer from using a seek. Also, this particular calculation will produce the same results for different pairs producing false matches.

    Finally, some of the tables that you had in your original derived table need to be moved to the outer query, so that the teacher's name and the SPN can be included in your output. Since you are specifically looking for rows with missing information, and you have set it up so they are only appearing in the side that's missing, they will be missing in the results.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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