Trouble with opening sql files

  • Hi all,

    I am having a annoying issue..I have both SQL server 2000 and 2005 installed on my machine. When I try to open sql query file(.sql extensions) they are by default opening in sql server 2005. I majorly use 2000. I dint have this problem before installing 2005. Can anyone tell me where can I change teh settings so that whenever I open a sql file it opens in 2000 and not in 2005.

    Any idea will be apprecaited.

  • This is a setting for files on your system. When you install SQL Server 2005 tools, the .sql extension is linked to Management Studio. Note that this is a tool, it is not SQL Server 2005.

    If you want to change this to Query Analyzer, then go into your Windows system and associate this file type with Query Analyzer.

  • Hi Steve,

    I really appreciate your reply,but could be more specific on where to find the tools in windows system..i fished into tools in sqlserver/90/tools but couldnt find anythign myself . 🙁

  • here's the easiest way i know:

    hold down shift, and right click on a .sql file.

    select "Open With..Choose Program" from the context menu.

    browse to the right folder, which is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn on my machine,either type "isqlw.exe" or select it.

    when it returns fromt he browse, there is a checkbox at the bottom that says

    "Always use this program to open this kind of file"


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  • Thank you Lowell...Now all files open in 2000 query analyzer..

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