Trouble Installing Updates To SQL Server Express 2005

  • I have made four failed tries to install the latest update to SQL Server Express 2005 announced last week.  It was linked to KB 921896 by Microsoft.  The update downloaded automatically last Thursday evening.  Windows XP Pro tried to install it automatically when I told it to shut down (the Shut Down command was replaced by one reading Shut Down After Updating).  I tried again to install the update on Friday and twice on Monday.

    Where is the update code stored on my machine?  I want to delete it and go through the download process again -- assuming that downloading introduced errors.  Also, are there any registry keys to be changed?

    Unfortunately, I did a number of other downloads from Microsoft over the weekend and no longer have restore points before this trouble started.

    A less desirable option is to remove SQL Server Express 2005 and the application using it from my computer and re-install both of them again.  Fortunately I created an archive of the database involved just before this trouble happened and the application can use that to recreate the data.


  • As I know, this is one unRedo steps, you can't remove SQL Server Express 2005 and go back, , so you need backup your database, and reinstall SQL Server fully.


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