Triggers each row or not?

  • I can't understand: in my SQL7sp3 trigger fires for each row, updated by a multirow UPDATE statement and each time "inserted" and "deleted" tables contains 1 row. This behavior differs from documented in BOL! Can I determine how should trigger fire? (Analogue in Oracle - "trigger" and "trigger for each row")

  • I am not sure I follow are you saying that your trigger fires and does not handle all the updates in a multirow UPDATE or does, can you explain better? Also post the trigger code as it may help us in understanding why you get the results you do.

    As for trigger it fires per event not row. So a multirow update where it was part of 1 update query will (or should) fire once only. However you can write a trigger that handles all without worry.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Excuse me my English - it not native for me.

    Table PodrTree - hierarchical structure with a fields ID, ParentID and ILevel, where ILevel is number of hierarchical level of node. Trigger updates all ILevel of children when ILevel of theirs parent.

    Alter Trigger dbo.PodrTree_TriggerOnUpdateILevel

    On dbo.PodrTree

    For Update


    declare @children int

    if update(ILevel)


    set @children=(select count(*) from PodrTree, inserted where PodrTree.ParentID=inserted.ID)

    if @children=0 return


    SET PtCh.ILevel=I.ILevel+1

    FROM Inserted AS I JOIN PodrTree AS PtCh

    ON PtCh.ParentID = I.ID


    nested triggers set on server and recursive triggers set on database.

    All work fine. But I cannot understand - UPDATE inside the trigger is multirow, but trigger fires for the each child in the tree, that is all works fine. But shouldn't?

  • Ok I am still not fully sure I understand what is happening. Can you post the details of the PtCh table and give me and example of what is happening and what you expect to happen?

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • In SQL, the trigger fires once per transacitons. So if you have a multi-row update, you get one trigger firing. The inserted and deleted contain all the affected rows.

    Steve Jones

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